Chapter 2: Hazel and Frank

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Hazel POV:

I couldn't sleep much last night, I heard thumping last night and muffled moans, I knew Piper and Jason were going at it again. Piper's bathroom is soundproof, yet I could still hear them when they had probably shower sex. I came to breakfast with bags under my eyes they did the same obviously since they had sex all night. Frank pulled me aside, "you ok? You look exhausted" he was concerned, he held my tiny hand in his much larger one, "I am exhausted, Piper and Jason went at it all night last night" I said, he nodded, "you should get some rest later" he said, I agreed, "love you" I said kissing him befroe rejoining the others. I ate breakfast and went down to my cabin for some rest, I picked up a magic boom and started reading it, I had been reading for about a n hour when Frank came in, "hey" he said sitting next to me on my bed, I looked at him from over the top of my book, "hey Frank, what you doing here?" I asked "you really think I would leave me girlfriend down here all alone" he said, "I came down here an hour ago, what have you been doing?" I asked "oh, Calpyso wanted help hanging a tapestry" he said, "oh, okay" I replied, "how you feeling?" He asked "exhausted" I replied with a sigh, I chucked my book which I frogot I was still holding on the floor next to my bed. "Would a hug help?" He asked "maybe..." I replied smiling, he lay down next to me, I snuggled into his arm and soon fell asleep. I woke up after what I thought was a few minutes most, he was still there. "Hey" I said wearily rubbing my eyes, "hey sleepyhead" he said stroking my cheek fondly, "how long have I been asleep?" I asked hugging him my arms resting on his stomach, "pretty much all day you missed lunch and I wouldn't leave you" he said, "what?!? Really?!?" I asked sitting up in shock, "yeah" he said pulling me back down, "huh" I said, leaning against his chest, "Frank, I gotta feed Arion" I said, "no problem I'll come with you" he said pulling me up, I smiled, we walked to the stable hand in hand. "Let me just summon some gold" I siad casually walking over to the porthole and opening it, "there's probably loads under the sea" I said, I closed my eyes and concentrated, I though of gold, nuggets, bars, coins, anything made of pure gold. Loads of gold flew out of the sea and into my hand. "I love to watch you do that" he said walking up to me, "thanks but it's not as good as your thing though" I said bending down to give Arion his gold. He had that look in his eye, he smirked "you know what else I'm good at?" He said sudductively, I caught on, "what's that?" I asked, "making my girl feel good" he said backing me up against the wall, "hmm maybe you probe this skill" I said smirking "I would be delighted to" he said before kissing me fierce in lips. I opened my mouth and the kiss became steamy. I smirked as he took his shirt off and pressed his body and hard chest against me, his lips travelled down to my neck, I moaned and tangled my fingers in his hair, I hastily took my shirt off also so I was in my bra and jeans, I moaned as he gave me a love bite, "making you moan miss Levesque?" He asked innocently as his hands travelled downwards slightly, I cut him off slamming my lips against his, I pulled his head forward, deepening the kiss, I ripped his jeans off hungrily in the process, he lifted me against the wall a bit and I wrapped my legs around his waist, I felt a movement down there his boxers pressing against me, I couldn't even be bothered to take off my jeans, I unziped my zipper and took my underwear off, I was already wet. The kiss grew hungrier, I trailed my lips around his neck, his breathing hitched as I stopped where I knew was the best spot, my mouth went to work, biting softly into the flesh on his neck, kissing and sucking, he let out a moan, his head rolled to the side, his hands which were travelling down my sides running through my hair. It felt so good to be in this position with Frank. "Wait, before this gets any more frisky, I need to do something" he said panting, out of his clenched fist he pulled a square silver packet, I knew immediately what he meant, he must of pulled it out of his pocket before I tore them off him, his hand reached into his boxers, "you had that on you?" I asked still pinned up against the wall my legs tangle around his waist, but not so he couldn't apply the rubber, "I was kind of hoping..." He said blushing, "did you really help Calypso?" I asked him my eyebrows raised a satisfied smirk in my lips, "no, I went to Percy for this" he said admittedly,

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