I Bet

469 18 10

I bet you start loving me
As soon as I start loving someone else
Somebody better than you
I bet you start needing me
As soon as you see me with someone else
Somebody other than you

Mari's P.O.V

I was currently in my room waiting on Aaron so we could go out. On Wednesdays we go out because thats our date day. So I'M sitting here in my outfit waiting on him to come get me I've been sitting here for 2 hours I'M officially done with the stand ups 3 times in a row I'M finish just as I was about to take off my heels in walk Mr late him self I proceed to take off my clothes as he looks oblivious as to why I'M dressed up anyway I laughed and shook my head.

"What's going on you giving me the evil laugh and shit"he joked I looked up at him as tears began to fall he tried to comfort me but I pushed him off

"You did it again Aaron this makes 3 times I'M tired of it you won't get enough until I'M gone"I spoke tears streaming down my face

"So you just gone do what er'body else did huh you just gone dip after a nigga mess uh one time"he asked scrunching up his face in a confused manner.

"It's not jus' one mess up your constantly forgetting our date nights I never see you I only see you when you want sex or head and when I don't give you those things you just up and stop talking to next whats going on am I not pretty enough or sum please take me out of the dark and tell me what's up real shit"I replied now standing in front of him looking up since I'M only 5'0 and he's 6'4 I know big difference but I'M not backing down

"OK real shit I was planin' sum' nice fa you but I wanted you time think sum' was wrong so I decided to make you feel unwanted looks like what I did was a sucess cause yo ass talm' bout' leavin' an shit so if you still wanna leave me ill leave ya house and neva' come back "baybey""he said making sure to put emphasis on baby I looked down and began fiddling with my fingers

"I-I-I thought you were cheating on me"I said as I finally looked up at him

"So you don't trust me"he asked I could see the anger in his eyes he lifted his hand up at me I raised my eyebrows

"I dare you too I will have everybody I know on the hit for yo ass try me muthafucka try me"I squinted my eyes at him he looked to the side grabbing his jacket and leaving I sighed picked up my phone and call an old friend


Me:wanna go some where today

???:uhh sure just let me blow my high

Me:alright I love you

???:I love you more Mari

I hung up my phone and walked into my closet gotta be fresh and look nice for this one.

Don't kill me this is just a filler.

10 votes. And 5 comments if I don't get that I'M not updating

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