She's Back

394 17 4

August's P.O.V
I was in the studio not answering anybody's calls It's funny cause everybody called me except Armani and it hurts to know that your own seed don't won't nun to do with you I called Chanel back because she texted me saying it's urgent

Me- helluh

It sounds like she crying gotta come to M-M-mermorial hospital

Me- who inna hospital Chanel you gotta stop cryin' baybeh

Chanel-Ar-Ar-mani-i daddy come to the hospital please they won't let us know anything since we aren't blood hurry please

Me- hea' I come

I ran out the studio and to my car I can't believe this is happening I can't believe I said those things to her knowing she has suicidal thoughts all the time I can't deal with all this my daughter hates me I'M being sued for car damages I'M thinking about filing for divorce my career is getting harder since I'M 39 now my life is just hard and I can't take this I parked and ran into the hospital running straight to the front desk I tapped the receptionist and she looked up at me with lust filled eyes I rolled my eyes

"Armani-"I started but I got cut off by a female voice

"August?"she spoke I turned around and seen a face I thought Id never see again tears came in my eyes

"How is this possible how are you here"I asked her she shrugged and ran to me instantly hugging me

"Excue me but you was sayin"the receptionist spoke while chewing her gum and began patting her weave

"Armani Alsina" he spoke tears now spilling from his eyes she typed it in

"Room 1506"she said he nodded running with her on his arm they reached the door and walked in
Chanels eyes popped out of her head and so did mari's she had to cancle her "get together" because of this. Armani laid there looking pale and her lips all shriveled up her and August held their tears and walked near everyone she held Armani's hand and Armani's eyes fluttered open she began to speak

"M-mommy m-m-mommy mommy i-its you"she exclaimed weakly smiling
"Yeah baby it's me I'm here now and I'M never leaving you again I promise"she said as she started crying

Aunnie's Back

Shes in the media shes being played by my big cousin sanaa Let's pretend thats all her hair alright? Oh and 11 votes 6 comments or im not updating sorry for mistakes and errors didn't want to edit right now

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