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The following week neither Yejin, Bin, or any of their friends were able to meet due to their final exams week. It was the time where they would be assessed for their college degree. Like any other students, they studied crazily from morning to night hoping the best for their scores. Once they were all finished with their tests, it feels like their shoulders were light as a feather.

It's not them, if not celebrating it with alcohol.

Yejin is done drinking, not wanting to go home drunk. She just watched the other friends getting drunk while her munching the side snacks. A glass of drink was offered to her.

"C'mon just one glass.", Jisub asked her.

Yejin not even respond to him, Bin already takes her glass and drinks it empty.

"Hey! That's for her.", Jisub complained.

"She didn't want it Jisub.", Bin takes on her side.

Meanwhile at Yejin's house...

At 11.26 PM

Yejin's father slowly opens Sujin's door and sees her already fast asleep. Then, he takes another step to check on Yejin's room. As expected, that girl won't be home at this time. He decided to talk to her later, so he waited in the living room right to the side of the big door where Yejin would come home later.

11.58 PM

No sign for Yejin's presence

1.27 AM

Still no sign of her presence

2.49 AM

He finally heard a car's engine sound outside the house.

"Appa...", she was surprised seeing her father this late, usually whenever she went home, her parents would go to sleep already.

"What time is it Yejin?", he sighed deeply.

Yejin glanced at her phone in her hand, "2.51 AM...", she answered.

"2.51 AM, look at your outfit Yejin. Do you think it's time for you to have time?", he asked with a higher tone this time.

"I just-", her father stops her to talk, "Yejinaa... Appa so tired these days... just, please...", he had his head down.

"Appa... I am just celebrating with my friends.", Yejin replied.

"What are you celebrating Yejin!!!!", he glanced back at her.

"You are so selfish you know!! You are having fun while Sister in pain!!! And you have the nerve to celebrate over something like this...", her father strikes back at her.

"I was just--", she tried to defend herself but her father cut her back. "Don't you dare make up your foolish excuses!!! Where are you the whole week instead of taking care of your sister in the hospital!!!! I told you so many times right!! As a big sister, you have the responsibility!!! Not getting drunk, be a slut like this!! Your mother didn't give you birth because of this Yejin!!", he nags pointing his index finger to her face.

"Appa! I also have a life too! Do you think I'm just playing the whole week?!! I'M STUDYING APPA! I HAVE EXAMS!" after she finally raised her voice, her father for the first time slap her right cheek.

The strength made her face to the left side and she was standing like a stone at the moment. The pain in her cheek was nothing compared to what she felt in her heart.

"DON'T YOU DARE RAISING YOUR VOICE TO ME, YEJIN!", he said. "For goodness sake Yejin, I am your father!", he said.

"Then act like one! I already gave my best to Sujin!", she said with a grudge on her mouth.

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