The Kind Girl

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In the morning, Bin suddenly recalled what she asked him before they went to sleep.

Last night...

"Bin, what makes you scared the most?", she asked out of the blue.

"Hmm...", he tried to answer for one.

"What is it?", she is getting impatient.

"For me, I think the feeling of abandonment. I gave you the idea, now what is yours?", she asked again.

"I don't have"., he replied despite what he wanted to say is 'Maybe it is because I already lost something important. I am not scared anymore, because what I scared the most is already happening to me.' When your brightest source of happiness suddenly lost its light and it will never come back, Hyung will never come back.

"You liar! You are not afraid when someone you love very much suddenly abandons you like it was nothing?", she asked again.

"Even if you are afraid, life still goes on.", he ended the conversation with that answer.

"Right...", she murmured. You still have a life Yejin, you don't have to be scared, everything will be ok. She keeps that in mind.

"Hey!!!", he felt his friends nudge his shoulder.

"Bin... I think you might want to hear this.", Seungwoo quickly seat beside him.

"Hmm", Bin still focused on his phone.

"Jihae... she came to school today.", he said.

"So?", Bin faced him this time.

"Well, I heard she is searching for you dude.", Seungwoo replied.

Why in the world she would come back at this time! Bin words remained in his thoughts.

"Hey...", Bin said softly while landing his hand to pat her hair softly.

Yejin who is busy cooling down after her volleyball practice surprised to see him here. She quickly turned around to face him.

"Bin!", her eyes automatically opened wide.

"Finish your cooling down first, I'll wait for you there.", he points towards the bench where his friends were sitting.

He pulled her for one last side embrace before letting her join the team back.

From far away, Bin couldn't keep his eyes off her. He saw her getting to the locker room, probably taking a shower.

Not until 30 minutes later, she approached him who him along with the other friends.

"Hey... sorry to keep you guys waiting...", Yejin said after standing beside him. Then, it was such a natural thing for Bin to grab by her shoulder so he can take a sniff of her freshly strawberry-scented hair.

"It's okay, we came too early by the way.", Jisub said and take a sip of his soda.

"Kajja! I'm famished.", Minjung said with her hand holding her stomach.

"Where are we going?", Yejin asked Bin still in his embrace walking side by side.

"You guess!", Bin used his free left-hand tipping at her nose.

She scrunched in reply and find out it was Hyojin's family restaurant as their destination to celebrate after the exam session.

While, Bin and his friends enjoying their time, one girl accidentally able to finally saw Bin after a very long time.

"Hey... do you that girl beside Bin?", Jihae asked to her friends.

Her friend took a glance.

"Ah.. that is Yejin from Sky High.", she answered.

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