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"Ok I'm coming in, you better be fucking decent" Aizawa covered his eyes and opened the door.


Aizawa opened his eyes to see all of them watching a movie. He sighed in relief and walked out.

"Breakfast is ready"

The boys got up and followed Aizawa downstairs. They sat around the table and waited patiently. Yamada placed the food on the table and everyone began eating. Izuku looked over at Kaminari to see he wasn't eating.

'What's wrong? Want me to ask Papa to make you something else?'

'No it's not the food, my mouth really hurts' Kaminari's eyes were teary.

'Come here'

Kaminari stood up and walked over to Izuku. Izuku sat down his fork and grabbed Kaminari's face. Everyone looked at them in confusion.


Kaminari opened his mouth and Izuku noticed he had six fangs growing in. Izuku gave Kaminari a large rush of energy making his fangs grow fully in seconds. Kaminari whimpered and started to quietly cry.

'Sorry, it would have been worse if I let them grow on their own. Your mouth will be sore for a while.' Izuku apologized.

He opened his arms and Kaminari sat in his lap and laid his head on Izuku's chest, hugging him tightly. Izuku went back to eating as he held the crying Omega.

"Izuku what did I say about using telepathy while people are over." Aizawa scolded.


"What's wrong with Kami?" Kirishima asked.

"His fangs just came in and it's really painful. I sped up the process but it's still gonna hurt for a few days." Izuku explained.

"Want me to make you a smoothie so you can get something in your stomach?" Yamada asked and Kaminari nodded.

Yamada got up and headed into the kitchen. Izuku grabbed his cup and put the straw in Kaminari's mouth. Kaminari took a few small sips before he softly pushed the cup away. Izuku sat it on the table and went back to eating.

"So how exactly did he get wolf features? I mean something had to trigger it right?" Kirishima said confused.

"We've learned not to question it, when it comes to Izu nothing makes sense." Shinso shook his head.

"More importantly are you not agitated by their closeness? When Kaminari was still our mate we'd get irritated whenever they were together." Shoto said taking a sip of his drink.

"It stopped once we marked each other. I can actually feel a small bond with Kaminari. Not romantic but I feel just as protective over him as I do Izuku. Probably because they're both Omegas and we're all in a pack." Kirishima smiled and Bakugo nodded remaining quiet.

Izuku noticed Kaminari's small smile and patted his head. Yamada walked in with the smoothie and handed it to Kaminari. The boy thankfully took it and started to drink.

"Alright, we should get going before we're late!" Yamada clapped his hands together.

"I guess you two can stay here. It's not like you'd learn anything anyway." Aizawa sighed putting his plate in the sink.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Shinso asked.

"You didn't know? Their IQ is higher than Nezu's." Yamada turned to them after giving Ōkami a plate of bacon.

"You shitten me?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow.

"Dude why didn't you tell me?! I would have asked you to tutor me instead!" Kirishima said and Bakugo hit him in the head.

Please Don't Go (Book 1 + 2)Where stories live. Discover now