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(Age: Four)   (Status: Lives with Karl and Sapnap, Friends with tommy, knows philza and his family)
I woke up on the couch and went over to dad, who was still asleep. I climb next to him and tugged on his shirt.
"Daddd, I'm hungwy" I complain
"Okay, one second" he says flipping over and going back to sleep.
I pout and go over to Karl's and Sapnap's room. I notice sapnap was awake so I complained to him.
"napnap I'm hungwy" I say
"Alright, I am too. Lets go eat" he says holding my hand and bringing Me to the kitchen.
"what do you want? Applesauce? Waffles? Dirt? I dunno" he says
"naranjas!!" I say
"I'm sorry kiddo I don't know what that is" he says
"Ask daddy!" I say
"How about you point to what it is?" He suggests
I point towards a bunch of oranges in a bowl.
"an orange?" He asks
"Yeah! naranja!" I say
"That must be Spanish huh?" He asks
I nod my head intensely. Then dad walks in to the room.
"hola! Did you sleep well chica?" Dad asks me
"Yup! I slept gweat" I say
"Good, Good" he says and kisses me on the forehead.
"Now I have to go do some work, can you can Karl watch y/n?" Dad asks
"Well Karl and I are going out today, so no" sapnap says
"Will you at least bring her to Phil's or something?" Dad asks
"I'm sure we'll have time for that" sapnap says
"Gracias! Be good for Phil tonight okay y/n?" Dad asks me
I nod yes and he leaves.
"Will you go put your shoes on?" Sapnap asks me
"Yeah!!" I say hopping off the chair and putting them on.
"ILL BE RIGHT BACK KARL!" he shouts and picks me up.
(Time skip cuz I'm lazy)
We got to Phil's house and sapnap knocked. Soon he answered the door.
"hey Phil! Are you able to watch y/n?" He asks
"Uhmm I'm busy today, but I'm sure techno and his brothers would be happy to" Phil says
Phil takes me and I say bye to sapnap. He brings me into the other room, with tommy and Wilbur fighting over the last slice of cake.
"BOYS!" Phil shouts
They stop fighting and stare at Phil
"Now listen. Y/n needs a babysitter. I want no chaos, fighting, swearing, punching, biting, kicking, pulling hair, water fights, cooking, bothering the neighbors, hurting the animals, or pouting. I want y/n to be in perfect shape when I get back." He says
Wilbur and tommy look at eachother while technoblade was just reading.
"techno? Did you catch that?" Phil asks
"Yup." He says
"Wilbur, I want you to have in your sight at all times."
"Yes sir." Wilbur says
"Now, I'm going to leave. Be safe kiddos" Phil says and goes out the door.
Wilbur walks up to me and smiles.
"Hi y/n!" He says
"WILL! LOOK!" I hear tommy yell
"Tommy shush" Wilbur says
He pouts and runs off.
"do you want to play a ga-" Wilbur was cut off by tommy smashing into a wall
"TOMMY YOU NIMROD" Wilbur shouts and rushes over to him
Tommy immediately started to cry. I hear techno let out a big sigh and he closes his book. He comes up to me and picks me up, just to bring me back to where he was. He sits me on his lap and opens his book again.
I was a very colorful book, lots of pictures with tiny letters on the sides. As I was sitting on technos lap I notice a picture in the book.
It was a battle. Swords, and fire everywhere. But I found it rather interesting.
"what's that say?" I ask pointing next to the picture.
"And then, A fight broke out. Between four sides. But none were n the right, violence seemed like the answer." Techno says
I nod and he reads the rest of the story out to me. After the story, tommy was running around the house chasing a bunny.
How did the bunny get in? I don't know.
"WILL! WILL!" he shouted chasing the bunny.
But once again...he slammed into a wall and busted out in tears.
He grabs Tommy's arm and drags him away. But just like that he was up and running again. That boy but never took a break.
I mainly was with techno that day, but tommy and I played together for a few hours.
Soon enough Phil came back.
"BOYS!! IM HOME!" he shouts.
But to his surprise. We were all asleep. I was in technos lap, tommy was on the carpet, and Wilbur was on the couch.
I saw the lights turn off and felt a blanket being out on me. Then I drifted off to a deep sleep.

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