Chapter 2

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I looked at the two photographs which I had put on my nightstand. It was not merely a memory. It had life itself. The life I had before. And the life I wanted to live.

Those photos were taken when we were eight. One with my sister. The sister who looked just like me. From head to toe, we were alike. Same brown hair and black pupils. Everything about us was the same except the fact that she was born one minute earlier. Yeah, we are twins. We used to use matching items. We dressed alike. We had all the fun by making our friends confused. Sometimes even our parents failed to recognize which one it was.

And the other one was also from the same year. One of the photos we took beside the Crater Lake. The last winter which we four could spent together. A thought of being separated from each other had never crossed any of our minds.

The day of misfortune wasn't that far. But we never knew. May be mom and dad never had the slightest idea that their job might put our lives at stake. Until I was kidnapped.

Still, I don't know what my parents really are. They are something like a part of an intelligence service, I guess. They are never allowed to expose what they really are or what they really do. We were asked to tell that they were cops when we were little but I know it's beyond it.

It's obvious that the people who fight against dark to serve the light have more enemies than allies. Family and love make them a little weaker. My parents were not an exception. And their foes took their chance.

Maybe it was my fate that I had chosen to head home without waiting for my sister. And they kidnapped me on my way home. I can still remember the smell of the drug which they used. But the worst part is my parents didn't notice that I was missing until the sun was down. I can't blame for my parents for giving birth to two identical daughters. They had thought that both of us were at home until mom came to tuck me in the bed as usual. My sister had thought that I was reading in my room as I was in a haste to go home to peek at my new book; "Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets."

I was taken as a hostage for about thirty hours. It was the most vicious experience I have ever had. Of course, my parents rescued me but their higher ups had ordered them to raise me and my sister separately. It was the best decision to keep us safe.

Even though it breaks my heart to live without my sister, we had no choice. I couldn't imagine a day without her. We were together since birth.

But there was one thing we were allowed to do. We could spend a certain time as the other person. I was legally allowed to pretend to be my sister and live with dad while she's with my mom. But we are not allowed to switch ourselves on exams or any other serious situations. Twenty-one days was the maximum no of days that we could stay as the other person in a row. And we are not allowed to reveal about being twins. We have to spend our lives like this until we turn into eighteen. Ever since that day, I had to get accustomed to this moving life.

And I heard my phone beeps under my pillow and I grabbed it. Yeah, it was her.

'Where had you been all day my lil Dumbo?' I read her text message and I touched the video call option crossing my legs on the bed.

"Missed me?" I asked once she picked up. It's just like looking at the mirror and babbling myself. I know it's crazy but we found it fun.

"Show me your new room. Dad told me that you moved in today." And I turned on my back cam and let her take some glimpse of what was around me.

"Want me to show mine?'' she asked playfully. I always loved that mischievous smile but it's a loss that she doesn't show this side to anyone apart from me. She pretends to be an iceberg to other people after we got separated.

"I had no idea that you were also going to move in today. You traitor how could you?" I asked trying to sound like I was mad but it was fruitless. I laughed in the halfway.

"Oh! Look at my babies" I heard my dad saying from the background. I missed his voice. And after lots of 'I miss you and I love you' I hung up.

I let my torso rest on my new bed while gazing at the silvery stars through the skylight. But my tired eyes resisted  to stay open.

*************************************************************** See you in next chap 😊😊

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