Chapter 5

22 1 4

Stacey's  POV

I pulled into our drive way after the exhausting physics lesson. Finally it's Fri day which meant that I got two days to rest. I saw a silver colour version of my car was parked in the lawn.

"Stephie is here!" I said to myself and locked the door with excitement. It's been months since we got to meet each other. Hope she didn't run into anyone who knows me.

And there she was staring at the bed side photograph. And I tapped on the shoulder of my duplicate.

"What's up? You didn't even call" I said while wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Why? You upset because I'm here" she asked playfully.

"It's the other way around you silly" I grinned. "But it's kinda strange. You never turn up abruptly like this you know."

"It's just my mind is not at peace" she sighed and I noticed the disturbed look in her face. "Is it okay for me to stay for few weeks here?" she added. That gave quite a surprise as it was always me who wanted to switch places all the time as I missed dad but now Stephie is here even without any prior notice. This strange fact startled me and my mind was acting crazy. Thousands of thoughts flooded to my brain in an instant but I couldn't figure out what it was.

''A boy problem?" I asked as it was the most the fitting reason which I could think of.

"What?" she exclaimed. ''No-no of course it's not something like that" she continued. ''I just have so much in my plate and just want to clear up my head'' And she had this expression on her face like don't ask me what it is. So I gave up the idea of digging further and I just nodded. 

"Did you tell dad that you are coming here?" I asked just to assure that she hasn't totally lost it and she gave a simple nod making me feel relieved.

''Then I'll leave on Sun day. Until then, make sure you won't step outside while I'm out"

"Unless you would give a heart attack to the people. JINX " we both laughed.

Our bell rang and I heard a familiar voice saying "Stacey, I'm here" I had totally forgotten that I  had promised to watch 'Kissing Booth 2' with Amy. Plus I had left the door open. Damn it! I heard her sneakers touching the wooden floor and then the stairs.

''Get under the bed!" I freaked out and Stephie was like "What!" But there was no time to explain and I dragged her arm saying "NOW!" And thank god she got hold of her senses. When I finally settled down the things, Amy was standing beside my bedroom door which was opened.

"Oh! You are here" I tried to sound normal but half panting. It felt like hiding a boyfriend in the closet which happens in most of the movies. And Amy gave me a questioning look but to heaven's sake she didn't ask what I was doing a moment ago.

"I thought you had visitors. I almost jumped to the conclusion that we would not be able to hangout. But guess I'm lucky" she started.

''Yes you are'' I smirked. "Wait I'll bring my laptop downstairs " I said trying to change the subject.

"Let's watch it here. Why going down?" she suggested but I didn't wanted my big sister to hold her breath and hide under my bed for two hours. ''We can grab some snacks. It's more convenient" I replied and she agreed.

I sat comfortably on the sofa and while I was logging into Netflix to browse the movie, Amy brought some snacks from the kitchen. And finally we started watching it. We started laughing from the beginning till our cheek muscles hurt. Amy almost chocked the chips when Elle called Marco a snack. And for a moment I forgot the fact that my elder sister is trapped in my bed room.

"What are you ladies doing?" Stefan called from behind. 'Hey! who gave him permission to enter without knocking?' before I asked that he was looking at the screen and a huge smirk was plastered on his face. "What are you doing here gentle man?" I asked with the same sarcastic tone.

"Um.. Can I borrow your chemistry book?" he asked trying to be innocent. 

''Such a study bug you are" I smirked and he laughed. "I just slept after the first quarter of the lesson" he said casually. And that made sense and I nodded. 

"You are such a pain in the ass" I said while pausing the movie. "Like you are watching it for the first time" he smirked. Actually I had watched it two or three times but it never ceased to make me laugh so I wasn't tired about it. "Whatever.." I said while climbing the last step. Holy crap! I had totally forgotten about Stephie. 

"Hey you stay here. I'll bring it " I said in a rush to make him stop from entering my room.

"Why are you hiding your boyfriend in the closet?" he joked. 

"Hell No!" I glared at him and went inside to grab my book and I gave an apologetic smile to my sister who had come out from her hiding place and lying on my bed with her kindle. 

After both Amy and Stefan left, I went to keep up with my sister who was about to die because of the boredom.

"Who was that you were flirting with.. earlier" she asked with dancing eyes.

"I didn't flirt with him, okay? He is the annoying next door guy with whom you have to spend your days while you are staying here as me." I shot a glare before she come up with another stupid suggestion. "Anyway thanks to Stefan you won't be bored at school and be good to Amy she's a good one"

"Data is successfully saved" she said making my cheeks hurt for a big time.


See you in next chap😊😊😊

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