His Promise

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There was a small creak from the door, and I pursed my lips as I looked up. The oliveblood was there with a small bowl of water. A bit of sweat dripped down my face as I looked at Her. "Thank mew" she said, and I noticed a lack of lashes on her shoulders. "He got angry and left to go to his room right after tying mew up" she clarified, and I nodded. "I am glad that a more... undesirable punishment was not taken upon you." I said. She gave a tiny cat like smile. "Here" she said, offering the bowl to my parched lips. I drank the water thirstily, a small bit dripping down my neck. "He will be back soon, I purromise." She said softly. "Thank you" I answered.

Surely enough, after a few hours, when the rope burn of my arms was almost enough to drive me to insanity, I heard the door creak, and out stepped my master. He was grumbling something to himself before he untied me, his movements slow. I hardly responded to him, and he had no words as he slowly picked me up and brought me back into the large hive. 

I was weak, my muscles exhausted from holding me up to avoid further pain from the ropes. His hands were cold on my flesh and i went limp as a ragdoll against him. "Crazy mutant" he mumbled, going upstairs and laying me down in the human bed once more.

I heard the creaking of a stool, and he was there beside me. "Listen to me"he said in an easy tone, that still demanded respect. "You gotta listen to me, or else next time i gotta make an exaple outta ya, i dont wvanna do all that mess, okay cheif?" He asked, making little motions with his hands as he spoke. I nodded slightly, eyeing him. He gave a weary smile, petting my hair once before going to the door.

He paused as he opened it.

"If you behavwe, ill try to buy your little friend off the mime. You got me?"

He didnt wait for an audible response from me, simply slipping out the door, leaving me in an almost dazed silence.

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