I-I like me better

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Here is a short imagine to cure you after heartbreaking imagines.

I-I like me better

Y/n is me. And I am Y/N. I always hate myself, like always. Sometimes I wonder why, but I still never heard an answer.

But then, one day, I met you.

You were beautiful.

You were nice.

You were perfect.

And you change me.

I started to like myself better.

"Jun! I have something to tell you." I call you out of your house.

"What is it?" You patiently listen.

"I like me better."

"Then does that mean that I have a rival? I can't fight you to win you." Jun hugs me, pouting.

"I like me better when I'm with you."

"So-" Jun paused for a long time, trying to think. Now I know why he is not a Ravenclaws.

"Can you please appreciate that I am trying to flirt with you?"

"Wait, you like me?"

"Yes. I like me when I'm with you. So technically, I like you."

"You like me?"

"Jun, if you continue to block my love, don't ask why I might kill you right now."

"Sorry, love, I guess you have to stick with me forever."

"Why?" I fake not understanding.

"Because I like you, and you should love yourself. Therefore stay with me."

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