Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm blasting in my room.
"This is my fight song, take back my life song," it boomed.
I sang along with it because it helps with my nerves, it's my birthday after all. It's my national anthem. My mom used to sing it to me to remind me to always fight for what I believe in. I sang this for my school talent show and I won. Yeah, I know I'm quirky. I got up and headed toward the stairway. I ran down as quickly as I could, excited for breakfast. On the way down, I tripped, falling face first, tumbling down the stairs. Is this the day I die? As I rolled over after the nasty fall, I could feel tears rolling out of my big purple amethyst looking eyes. Then, I remembered what my mom told me. This is my fight song. I got up and headed to the kitchen like the grown woman I am. I was turning eighteen and I couldn't be more excited.
"Mom?" I called out after I noticed she wasn't waiting for me in the kitchen like she always does.
I was a bit upset because she always makes me special birthday breakfast, but I guess it doesn't matter.
"Move it whore," She yelled at me.
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"You're finally legal and I need some cash," She tells me. "I sold you to a group of boys, and let's just say I'll be rich once I hand you to them."
I sat there in disbelief, is this some kind of prank? It has to be, there's no way my once sweet loving mother was now selling me.
"Are they hot?" I asked curiously.
"Yes," My mother responds, biting her lips, "Now go get dressed and leave!" She said bitterly.
I ran upstairs and grabbed a couple suitcases to fit all my stuff. I threw on a pink baby tee and a denim pleated skirt with pearl accessories. I looked in the mirror and almost threw up at the sight. What was I thinking? I immediately ripped the clothes off my body and grabbed a black hoodie and ripped skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror and smiled this time, satisfied with how I looked. I grabbed my black air forces and slipped them on. I went to the mirror and put on chapstick, who needs makeup when you're as pretty as me. Feeling like something is missing, I put my hair up into a messy bun and smiled at myself.
"I'm hot," I said as I walked over to my suitcases and zipped them up.
I started to bring them downstairs when I heard a doorbell. My mom ran to get it almost falling on the way there. She opened the door and let the people in. I saw five boys, NO, MEN! walk in. They were all six feet tall, muscular, and edgy. Bad boys even. I tried to hide my excitement that was burning inside of me, but that didn't happen as I fell for a second time down the stairs. I screeched cutely as I rolled down the stairs.
"I'm so clumsy," I said as I got up, wiping the dust off of me.
I looked up and saw one of the men looming over me. He has black hair, perfect teeth, and a beautiful bod.
"H-hi-hh-hi-i," I said trying to get up.
He reached out his hand and pulled me up quickly. Wow, he's strong.
"Hey cutiepie," He said, asserting dominance.
I shuffled around to grab all my suitcases, but another man stopped me. He looked similar to the first guy with longer black hair, muscular, and beautiful eyes.
"I gotchu baby girl," He said, grabbing all my suitcases at once and heading to the car.
I stood there for five seconds, trying to process what was happening.
"Get your lazy ass out of here!" My mom screamed.
"Come on slut, let's go," Another blonde guy with red glistening eyes commanded.
It kinda turned me on.
"What are you waiting for?" He asked.
I scrambled to grab my things and got in the car, afraid I would be punished. When I got out to the car, I saw them all standing outside discussing.Two other men sat in silence and I realized that I hadn't seen them before. One had dark brown hair with brown eyes while the other had dyed blue hair with hazel eyes. I walked up to join the group and they all stared at me.
"What are we going to do with seating arrangements? There are only 5 spots and 6 of us," Asked the blondie.
"I guess she will have to sit on one of our laps," the first man I met said, smirking.
The blonde one rolled his eyes and got in the driver's seat and everyone else followed suit. I stayed outside the car, not knowing what to do. "Get in here, or you will have to be punished," One of them said.
The first guy I met gently pulled me by the waist and I sat on his lap.
"We should probably introduce ourselves," He said, "I'm Garret."
"I'm Marshall," followed the second guy I met. "Xavier," said the blonde one.
"Hey, I'm Brad," mumbled the one with brown hair and brown eyes.
"Sup, the name is Grayson," said the one with lush blue hair.
I blushed and moved some hair out of my eyes. "I-I-I'm-m Y-y/-n," I spoke softly.
"Speak louder," demanded Xavier.
"I'm y/n!" "I'M Y/N.!" "I'M THE ONLY Y/N THERE IS!" I yelled confidently.
Garret smirked and grabbed my ass. I felt his erection grow underneath me.
"Feisty one aren't you?" he asked, cocking his head.
After an hour drive, we arrived at their house.


It was four stories with everything you could imagine. We all got out and they led me to the living room. I sat down on the couch and they followed suit, except for Garret. He started to pace around the room and speak.
"We have a few rules while you live here," he spoke. "Number one, don't call us by our names. Call us daddy, alpha, master, or whatever else we want you to call us. Number two, do whatever you are told to do. If you decide not to, we will resort to punishment. Finally, know your place. Am I clear cutie pie~," Garret said staring into my deep purple eyes.
"Yes," I said quietly, not looking at him.
He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
"Just yes?" He questioned with a hint of anger to his voice.
"Yes daddy," I said as blood rushed to my face. "Atta girl," He replied, a smirk covering his face.
He sat down on a chair and Brad put a hand on my inner thigh.
"Hungry?" He asked flirtatiously.
I nodded and gave a small smile. He patted my thigh and stood up.
"Wanna Uber something?" Brad said, looking around for approval.
They shook their heads yes and Brad grabbed his phone. He left the room to go order something. Grayson looked over at me and smiled.
"We should probably give you a house tour." We all stood up and they showed me around. When we got to the rooms, they all took me in privately. When it was time for Garret's room, all of them left the area. He took my hand and led me inside. The first thing I noticed was the abnormal amount of stuffed animals. I admired all of them, noticing the small details. He pushed me to the bed and pinned me down. Garret started to kiss down my neck, exploring it. I let out a soft whimper and grabbed his hair. He stopped and looked up at me with those gorgeous, emerald eyes.
"You are so hot," He mumbled into my neck.
I giggled and played with his hair. He got up and started showing me around. When he was done, I sat down on his bed and looked at all his stuffed animals. He started to explain the background of each one.
"This one is my favorite," He said, grabbing an owl stuffed animal.
He brought it up to my face and I scooted back to see it better. As I did so, I knocked over one of his animals.
"Oh, sorry," I said and bent down to grab it.
I placed it back where it was and glanced over at Garret. His face was white like he had just seen a ghost.
"Get out," He said.
"What?" I asked, taken aback from the sudden retort.
"I said, GET OUT!" He screamed.
I ran out of the room and to the living room where all the boys were. They ran up to me and Marshall grabbed me face, examining it.
"Are you okay?" He asked, panic taking over him.
"I-m f-fi-in-e," I stuttered. "I didn't mean to upset him, I just accidentally knocked over a stuffed animal."
"He was always so serious about his stuffed animals," said Marshall in a whisper.
"Give him time, he will come around," said Grayson patting my head.
This felt so out of character for Grayson, but I appreciated it. I nodded and headed back to my room, which they had shown me during the tour. I hugged my pillow, shakin up from the whole situation. I slowly drifted off to sleep, trying to forget the events that had just happened.
"WAKE UP," Brad screamed, jumping on my bed.
I rubbed my eyes and sat up.
"So this wasn't a dream?" I groaned.
The sun was hitting my face and it made me look like an angel.
"You fell asleep before dinner arrived, so we heated it up for you!" He exclaimed.
I smiled and nodded.
"You're going to need a lot of energy for tonight's party, " Brad said smugly.
"Party?" I asked curiously.
"Mhm," said Brad standing up.
He reached out his hand and I took it. We walked to the kitchen and there stood everyone. I saw Garret, but he didn't give any attention towards me.
"Hey, guys," I yawned.
"Morning," Xavier spoke.
I was bothered by the fact that Garret wouldn't speak to me since I had taken a special liking to him, but I guess he doesn't know what he's missing.
"Fight song, this is my fight song," I reminded myself under my breath.
We all ate breakfast in silence. When I got up to throw my stuff away, I remembered I needed to ask a question.
"So where is the party?," I asked.
They looked at each other.
"Brad, what did you tell her?" asked Xavier.
"I- I told her we were going to a party-"WHAT?" yelled Xavier.
"Look, I didn't want to scare her as soon as she woke up."
"What are you guys talking about?!" I asked. "Y/n, listen carefully, we are the Alpha leaders of the north powerpuff mafia," Grayson explained.
"The north powerpuff mafia?" I asked, "The one that killed my father?"

A/N - This is my first story guys, pls be nice haha

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