Chapter 3

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I got out of the shower and changed into some sweats and a hoodie. I walked out of my room, but was immediately pushed back by Grayson. "We need to talk," he said, sitting down on my bed. "What happened?" I asked, confused. "Brad and Garret got into a fight. I honestly don't know what it was about, but try not to start anything, okay?" he said. I nodded my head and he patted it. "If something happens holler at me," he winked. I stood there trying to process what he said. I heard yelling while I was in the shower, but didn't think much of it. Then i noticed his gaze, as soon as i noticed he averted his eyes to the opposite direction. Was he looking at my toes? I blushed thinking about it. People used to compliment me all the time on my smooth shiny toes that just had a sense of beauty but I never believed it. This is different, when Grayson looked at my feet that way I was flattered like I've never been before. He seemed quite flustered and ran off in the most manly way I've ever seen. I could stare at those muscles for days. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by another woman??? What was she doing here? "Who are you, fucking female?" I asked angrily. Didn't she know I was the only girl who could be here. "I'm Nova, I assume you're y/n." She said, She must be jealous of me, I thought. Then again I'm nothing special, I mean, I'm so short. "That's me," She smiled at me with her ugly pig fetal shit brown eyes. "I'm here to get you ready for the party," she explained with joy. Oh great i thought, I hate dresses.
"I have a few options," she adds while winking. Her face just annoyed me immensely. "Sorry, I have a chronic eye illness that is terminal," she explains. Serves her right, I thought to myself.
3 different dresses were laid on my bed.

Dress 1

Dress 2

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Dress 2

Dress 3

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Dress 3

(Choose your dress)

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(Choose your dress)

Nova forced me into a dress and heels. God why are girls like this? Every time she speaks I just want to wrap my hands around her neck but instead I stick with internally rolling my eyes. I decided it was finally time to walk out. Feeling nervous, I stumbled out of the room, damn these heels are hard to walk in. I don't know how those girls do it. As I'm walking down I notice that Brad's eyes were set on me. After I took a closer look I realized it wasn't just Brad ,it was everyone. It was Garret. They just couldn't get their eyes off my ugly curvaceous hourglass body."What are you looking at you dogs?" I spit out aggressively. "Damn I love it when women think they're tough." Grayson says. "I-I-I am tough." I mumble. He slaps me, leaving a burning sting on my face. Before I could speak, my alpha instincts took over. I start flying and shoot them with my laser eyes. They screamed for mercy but my thirst to kill was not quenched. Soon I calmed myself down, "Shit," I muttered "Not again." Using the powers that were gifted from god themself i brought them all back to life. "Sorry," I giggled. Xavier came over and booped my nose. "You're so cute, short, and breedable." I blushed at his words. He grinned, his eyes expressing an animalistic urge. I saw Garret look over, his eyes becoming glossy. I give him a confused glance, but he shifts his eyes to Nova. Anger washed over me, I see red. Nova? NOVA?  I'M SO SMOL. A SMOL BEAN. SHE IS SO UGLY!!! "Nova, would you like to accompany me to the party tonight?" Garret asked. "Me?" She retorted. "I would love to, baby boy."

A/N - We found one of her limbs

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