Chapter 21

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"No bird can fly without opening its wings, and no one can love without exposing their hearts."

- Mark Nepo


"W-Why the fuck are you here?!" I growled. My fists were white due to clenching the paper that lay on my bed. For the majority of people I meet, I put up a stone wall to hide all of my emotions except anger. But this single person, out of billions of people, this person is the only one I show fear towards.

"Relax. Can't your older brother come check if their sister is in good condition?" He said with his black leather boots drawing nearer to my frail body.

Keigo notices the tense atmosphere and immediately stands in front of my brother to not let him draw nearer to me.

"And who are you?" Akui asks venomously.

"Keigo Takami"

"Well, Takami, may I have a word with you?" Akui asks stepping to the side to show the door.

Keigo walks over to me and holds my shaking hands saying "I'll be right back, ok?"

I slowly nod and Keigo and my brother walk out the door.

I look down at my hands to see red. My heart rate sounded like the pitter-patter of the raindrops hitting your window. I hug my knees and rock back and forth. 

After a couple of minutes the door creaked open. Keigo quietly sat down next to me and held my hands like before.

"Hey, Kid. I'm gonna have to leave you here with your brother."

"W-why?!" I said with tears streaming down my face.

"He says you're married."

"I-I have never mar-married anyone," I say in between sniffles.

"I'm sorry for being so persistent with you. But I love ya kid and I hope you feel better soon." He says getting up yet still staring into my tear-stained eyes.

"NO! PLEASE HELP ME NO! I'M NOT MARRIED TO ANYONE!!" I scream ripping out the IV lines that were stuck on my arms and wobbling out of bed.

He takes one last glance at my helpless self and shuts the door.

"KEIGOOO!" I cried. 

I thought I was safe. I thought the hero killed the villain and brought the victim back to safety. And here I am, screaming, pleading for my hero to come back. But the hero never existed in the first place

"Now come on sis, you have to meet your husband." He says grabbing my limp body up and into his arms.

             Titty Time Skip

"Alrighty," He says stopping the wheelchair.

"This is your new house!" 

I open my swollen eyes slightly to see what looked like a bar. Dark crimson bricks covered the walls to make it have a cramped aura to it. The bar stand had dark cherry wood on the side with 4 bar stools that sat beside it. The room smelled of burnt wood and cheap alcohol wich make me cringe internally at the smell.

"SHIGGY YOU NEED TO STOP DISINTEGRATING THE BATHROOM DOORKNOB!!" A blonde-haired teenager said walking through a door.

"I TOLD YOU TO STICK YOUR FINGER IN THE HOLE AND JIGGLE IT A LITTLE BIT!" Says a grey-haired guy with a hand on his face.

I don't say anything. I can't say anything, at least not with my hoarse throat from screaming so much.

"Oooo! You're cute! Can we keep her?!"

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