Chapter 22

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"A broken wing simply means, you have to find another way to fly. Have a wonderful day people."

- Kerry Katona


"SHUT UP" I hear a groggy voice yell. I hear footsteps and turn around to see a certain spiky blond wiping his shut eyes.

Once his eyes open and take in the bloody picture that was painted in front of him he gives a wide smirk.


"What the hell happened?!" I whip my head around to see a terror-stricken Keigo.

"Thought you'd save the damsel in distress?" 


"Yeah, that's not my thing. But nice try though." I say patting his shoulder.

"Oh, and by the way, they're just knocked unconscious," I say walking over to Dabi's head and turning it the other way with my leather black boots.

"Why didn't you just kill them?" Bakugo asks like that was the stupidest thing he's ever heard. 

"Because I stand for what they believe in, you know that heroes are only in it for the fame and fortune shit, there are no such things as true heroes? But I don't believe that kidnapping me or anyone else for that matter is right, so, I knocked them unconscious so we could have more fun with them" I say with a sinister grin plastered on my face.

Keigo looked like he saw a ghost.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, Pigeon. I was thinking," I say pulling out a sharpie with a devious grin on my face.

Itty Bitty Titty Time Skip

"*Wheeze* Ok, I think we're good," I say scribbling up the final touches.

All three of us back up a couple of steps to take in the whole picture of what we just accomplished.

Shigaraki's middle finger was up his ass (Keigo's doing) and his face had a sharpie drawing of that one waifu with her tongue out. I twisted Dabi's nipples and left a sharpie note on his chest saying 

'Hey, now you have more purple body parts! If you do this again it will be your dick!'

Bakugo didn't really take a liking to sharpieing them, so he just stomped on their limps screaming 'DIE.' For Toga I just wrote a little note on the top of her hand saying:

'Hey, Toga! I know you didn't kidnap me or anything and Twice are my favorite so I didn't do too much damage. If these were in different circumstances come over to my house and chill with me, don't worry, Akui and Dabi will tell you my address.'

I couldn't exactly write a note to Twice due to his dark color scheme so I just wrote it with Toga's. 

And Akui, I couldn't muster the courage to do anything more to him, so I asked Keigo and Bakugo to do it. They nod and I fly home.

Titty Time Skip

After I finished my long-needed shower since I only had 10 minutes for the last month, I head to the kitchen to find some needed junk food.

"Hey, Kid. I brought Bakugo, he said he wanted to say something to you"

"Well tell me on the way," I say hopping off of my couch and grabbing my keys out of their little wooden bowl.

"Tch, I can fend for myself"

"I know, I just need to get out, ya know, from staying inside that cramped building for more than a month, and I want to see your mom"

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