A/N before we start. I won't be including Jay or fizzy in the fic, so keep in mind when I'm talking about Louis' mom i'm not talking about her. May they rest in peace 🤍

[Harry's POV]

School day had ended and it wasn't bad at all. This Niall guy is super funny. He presented to me this other guy named Ashton who was nice to me. I wasn't used to be treated like that. I saw Louis at some of my other classes but we didn't talked, we just shared glances.

"Look who's here" Gemma said with a wide smile on her face while I enter my house.

She was watching TV with my mom in the living room so I went and sat there.

"You are going to tell us about that boy that lives in-front or what?" Gemma spoke again.

"What am I supposed to tell you?"

"I don't know... Hazza" She answered and my mom started laughing while I was giving her a death look.

"He is just someone I met the other day Gem" I said in a calm way.

"Sure, but it does seem like you fancy each other"

"Firstly, he's straight and-"

"How do you know that?" she snapped and I stayed quiet because I obviously didn't know the answer.

"that's what I thought" She said tapping on my shoulder. Although it was true I think I like him it made my angry.

"This is the first time I actually manage to make friends and you're ruining it for me" I responded shouting with watering eyes running to lock myself in my room. Maybe yes, she was right, but it was still upsetting the fact I just made a friends and the only things they do is to mock me.

After a while mom called for dinner. We sat there in complete silence until Gemma spoke.

"I'm sorry H, I just thought-"

"It's ok Gem I was overreacting. I thought you will be happy I made a friend and ask about my day" I said with my sight down.

"Well, now I'm asking how was your day?" she asked and I told her all my day while my mom was hearing with a smile.


[Louis POV]

I've been thinking about the gay thing and I'm actually terrified. I don't cared about what people think, I don't. But my family. That's the problem. I know my sisters will fully support me, but my mom... I'm fucking scared. I know I should just tell her to fuck off, but she's my mom and I love her so so much. I can't imagine her hating me.

People at school started noticing that our group is not together. Lot's of rumors are going around I would normally like that but this time I don't.

A/N: short short chapter because I don't know where i'm going with this.

This week (or month) updates!: Louis cant cut a tomato and that's fucking hilarious. Italy Harry is what I live for + him babysitting omg. Liam nft, if im honest I still have no clue what's it about but pop off bestie! Niall is still with our song promotions and Zayn is no where to be found. OMG and Liam is blonde!!!

That's all, if you're reading this thanks, but I honestly don't understand why hehe. xx

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