Part 1 The proposal

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" Huh AJ said she needs to talk to me about something , RD walked into the barn looking for AJ...." Uh Rainbow, I need to talk to you for a's important" Applejack said calmly.

"AH! you scared the crap outta me! " she said while she turned around. They both laughed together while walking into the barn.

" Yea sure what's up? It's something wrong bb? RD said in concern, they sat down on the couch. " So Rainbow you see we have been in a relationship for quite awhile now...and I was wondering...If..."AJ paused for a while.

RD raise an eyebrow and ask " Wondering if....?" "Ummm if we could...." AJ continued mumbling. " Apples can you speak up? I can't hear you" RD said , now really confused on what's happening.

" I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD WANT TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE A BABY TOGETHER!" AJ said nervously blushing while fidgeting with her fingers. RD went silent for a moment and said " I was also thinking about having a baby...SO WHAT DO YOU SAY WOULD YOU MARRY ME?"

RD bent down and said in confidence while pulling out a ring for AJ (yes i made her carry that ring with her😗) AJ was stunned, she didnt know what to think and tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. " YES! OF COURSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RAINBOW..." Applejack screamed happily " RD slipped the necklace ring on her.

"i love you too...AJ🤍" both kissed and stayed by each other to have their moment

our secret baby [APPLEDASH FANFIC]🍎🏳️‍🌈{DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now