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Tom had watched over you carefully as you slept, being cautious about the fact that you'd taken a pretty hard hit to the head. You hadn't moved for a while, signalling that you were sound asleep, which gave Tom the all-clear to continue packing despite the obvious distraction. He had been as quiet as possible, assorting through clothes with a smile on his face knowing that he had finally been able to convince you to come along with him. Not only was he now sure it was going to be the best holding he'd had in a long time, but he was now certain that he could keep an eye out for you. He knew that as long as you were with him you were safe.

You'd slept quietly until the sun died, sinking behind the hills and city buildings surrounded by busy streets. You woke to a dark room, hands sticky and body loathed in sweat. Your clothes were tight against your skin, creating long dark red indents in your skin where they had pressed into your muscle over the hours. Swallowing harshly, you realised how dry your mouth was, reaching over for the water on the bedside table. As you sat upright your eyes began adjusting to the dimly lit room, the door perched open only a little letting the light from the landing flood in over the carpet. Against the wardrobe, you noticed the suitcases now sitting packed and ready to go next to one another with tags hanging from their handles.

You sat there for a while, nursing the humid glass of water in the palm of your hand while your legs outstretched and a yawn passed your lips. There were voices that came from downstairs, signalling that someone was here. You recognised the voice, even from a mile away; Tom must have called his mum over. Placing the glass back down on the bedside table you departed from the messy sheets, running a hand through your hair pushing it out of your face before swinging the door open a little wider and jogging mopily downstairs.

Tom was sitting in the living room sipping on a hot tea when he heard you come downstairs, a spark of joy igniting in his chest. He waited until you were nervously standing in the living room doorway, a tired smile on your face. He chuckled at the mess of your hair and crumpled clothes, "sleep well?"

"Yeah, thank you" you nodded, another yawn passing your lips, "Hi Nikki"

"Hi sweet," she smiled sadly, "how's your head?" she placed her tea down on the coffee table, dusting herself down. At heart, you were happy that Tom had told his mother about what happened to you, because then at least you didn't have to explain yourself. But at the same time, you didn't want her worrying about you.

"I-It's okay" you nodded, wondering around the table to park yourself next to Tom. He threw an arm over your shoulder, bringing you into his warmth. Your legs were set together, head on his shoulder gently closing your eyes again, inhaling his scent.

"You okay there?" Tom chuckled breathlessly as your nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. Despite only just waking up, you were still pretty out of it, and it just felt... Right. Inside, you knew you could be like this with Tom, have this peace with a gentle peace of mind. You hummed gently, nodding your head softly. Tom rubbed your side comfortingly, eyes glued to you like you were a new born baby.

"I best be off," Nikki whispered softly, "I'll be back tomorrow to pick up your cases" she smiled, standing up and placing a comforting kiss on her son's forehead.

"My passports in the kitchen if you wanna take it with you" Tom mimed from his spot, being careful not to move you. Nikki gave him a thumbs up with a smile before making her way out of the living room towards the kitchen.

Tom was quick to turn his attention back to your sleeping figure, breathing softly into the crease of his neck, your hands having wrapped themselves around his waist. It was a wholesome moment, where Tom felt content. There were many things he loved in life, but this had to be at the top of his list.

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