Beck and Call

413 13 8

It wasn't long before the small of the living room was illuminated by shallow lightly and the TV screen, playing a gentle tune, ricocheting around the room until soon you were drifting back off to sleep on Tom's couch, a pillow between your legs, cheek smushed up against the side. Tom had been keeping himself busy around the house, noticeably trying to distance himself from you for the time being until he could get the chance to leave and collect your things.

He knew there was a barrier between you and your decisions; you would be the one who wanted to go and collect your things, make sure you had everything and anything you will or might need, organisation was kinda your thing. But, being protective was also Tom's thing, and he was going to do anything and everything to keep you safe. Tom wasn't more scared of what might happen to you if you were to go back, with Carl's vivid history of violence, but you were so easily led he knew that if you were to go alone he'd have you wrapped straight back around his little finger again.

So, once he knew you were asleep, he took his keys from the kitchen side and tucked them into his pocket. He made sure you were comfortable, seating Tessa at the bottom of the couch to protect you, covering your body in a thick grey blanket and planting a soft kiss on your forehead before he left. His heart ached that he had to leave you, but he wanted to give you a reason to never if ever, go back to your apartment and stay with him for as long as he could let you.

Tom made sure to double-check the house before he left, checking to make sure every window and door was securely locked before he made his way past the living room, giving you one last look over before he closed the door. It might have been a little weird but he always loved seeing you so peaceful, especially when you slept, with Tessa by your feet and a pillow between your legs. He left a small note on the fridge in case you were to wake up, before finally leaving and locking the door behind him. The night was cold, a bitter breeze in the air as he jogged down the driveway, securing a cap over his head to keep down the unruly curls and zipping up his black jacket. It was pretty late, and there was barely anyone around during this time of the evening which was nice, the clearing of the roads would only make his trip quicker.

Your apartment wasn't too far for a drive, he probably could have walked but with all the things he would be bringing over it would be a struggle with only two hands. He wanted to make sure you felt at home over the next few days in his home, although he knew you already did, he wanted to be extra sure. He cared about you so much it was pitty full.

The streets were practically dead aside from the pubs where men were hanging around outside the doors drinking bottles of beer, the woman standing in dresses far too short for Tom's liking and their faces decked in makeup. He much preferred natural beauty, like you. After passing through the town he reached the much quieter end of London, where your apartment building was located. You had always been rather self-conscious about your apartment, especially when it came to Tom. Albeit, he was your best friend, but he was rich and famous and clearly had expectations. He just wished you understood that you had nothing to worry about, he loved you for you.

However, things changed when Carl moved in. Tom didn't visit as regular, more or less due to Carl's saying. He didn't like the fact that you and Tom where close and friends and would linger around one another. Tom knew you weren't a cheater, if anything were to happen you would have ended things with Carl long ago, or heck not have even started dating him in the first place. But, as Carl goes, he still wouldn't have it, and so there came the start of the longing gap in distancing between yourself and Tom like you were both under quarantine.

Tom made sure to park his car out of sight in case the devil himself were to be hanging around. Once he was sure he was well secure and hidden, Tom made his way towards your apartment block. Making sure he had a key as he walked Tom kept his head down and attention solely focused in front of him, even in the late hour he didn't want to be spotted by someone with a camera. There had already been dating rumours between the two of you, and at first, Tom didn't mind, but he knew that you did. You were a very private person and so was Tom himself and when people started showing up on your door daily it became more than a small joke or a problem, it was chaos.

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