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• JADE •

"that was unacceptable behaviour, millie!" violet scolds in the middle of the cafeteria.

"violet, i'm trying to eat my lunch. maybe you can save the lecture that started from this morning to never." millie rolls her eyes and tosses a piece of grape into her mouth.

"millie, i'm serious here." she says.

"and i am too. now, i gotta go find jade because she's been missing for the whole day and i don't think you guys give two shits." millie stands up and throws her tray into the bin. 

she walks over to robbie.

"fuck off, millie." jason says.

"i wasn't fucking speaking to you. rob, where's jade?" she asks. he shrugs, "shouldn't you know?"

"why would i know?"

"because she picks up your favours once in a while." he answers.

"that was a two time thing. i really don't know where she is today." she says.

he shrugs again, "i'm sure she's fine. she's a more stupid and kid version of you."

"true. yeah, true, why am i caring? she's fine." she then walks off back to her table and sits down with a sigh.

she groans as she stares at the empty table and then walks to the counter, "i want a iced coffee."

margot nods and fixes her up her coffee.

suddenly, the door barges open and millie jumps from the loud slam due to her being into deep thought.


she looks up due to the voice, "holy shit, jade!" she runs towards her as jade sighs with a small smile and falls into her arms.

"what happened?" millie asks as jade coughs, pointing to her abdomen.

millie pulls her shirt up and gasps, "jade." her voice cracks as she sees a deep large cut that was gushing blood.

"holly shit." jason breathes out from behind her.

"GO FUCKING GET SOMEONE!" she screams in his face as he nods.

"jade, it's going to be okay. you're going to be fine, now tell me who did this." millie whispers.

"t-the people who- the people f-from that night. the deal and t-they went crazy." jade explains tiredly as millie places her down on the floor.

"okay. it's going to be okay." she reassures her and takes off her jacket. she bundles it up and holds it over her wound as she pulls her closer, "if you die on me, i'll hate you forever."

"hmm, now aren't you nice." jade teases as her eyes shut slowly.

"open those eyes!" she shouts as annie and violet rushes towards them.

"we called the ambulance, we need to keep her awake." annie says.

"mills?" jade whispers.

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