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chapter 1

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chapter 1

September 2, 2021, Tuesday

Dear Diary,

Today will be great... it'll be wonderful. And I'll do my best to smile and be happy, because today is the day that I get to see my father's new wife, and my big brother. Even though every part of me feels like everything could go wrong once I'd gotten out of this town where I basically grew up, I tried to convince myself that it'll all be great and the uneasiness will vanish after I return to Los Angeles.

Honestly, it would've been so much better if I just had the guts to say 'no' to my Dad and let him come visit me here instead. But, I don't.

Arlinglem Hills; my town—The only place I ever felt safe, the only place that ever brought me comfort—maybe it had something to do with the weird gloomy atmosphere, the soothing sound of the rain, the cold air against my skin when I open the front door and drive to school, or maybe because this town is the only home that I ever knew.

Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe my Dad won't force me to leave town for good and live with him, maybe there's still a chance that I get to come back here, be with my friends.

My life isn't that perfect, considering my parents are separated. I live here in Arlinglem Hills with my Mom, and Dad resides in a manor in Los Angeles with my older brother, Harry.

At some point, though, I think it's perfect, living quietly in this town with my mom and my twin-sister—being normal for once. Truth is, living with my mom is so much better than spending a whole day with dad. Dad and I never really understood each other, we were never close, and maybe that had something to do with his incomprehensible personality, or maybe because sometimes he's just a terrible father.

My dad, John, will do anything to protect our family name and our company, even if it's partaking in illegal activity. And sometimes, he even uses his influence and position of power to perpetuate his interests. Dad is ruthless in business, and ruthless in his personal life too. However, at the end of the day, he's still my father, he's still my family.

Our family are one of the most famous and one of the richest families in America and it just makes me sick living with them because I hated what we had. Call me an ungrateful person for that but I just hate it so bad. I don't wanna be a freaking superstar or whatever. I just wanna be normal, I want everything to be quiet. I don't wanna see my face in the tv screen... I just don't. Maybe other people would have loved being "The Youngest Of The Jones Family", but that's not me.

My brother, Harry, was the only reason I wanted to go to Los Angeles, I wanted to see him again. It's been a long time. Him and my twin sister, Madison, were the only ones who really understood me and I'm thankful I have them in my life.

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