madison preface

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I'm a mug without a handle,
I'm a door without a hinge.
Unattached - not a member -
No! I never did fit in.

I'm the sun that has no warmth,
I'm the rain that's never wet.
Independent, a free spirit -
Yes! Just as free as can I get.

I'm a camera with no lens,
I'm a wallet with no money.
Alone but never lonely -
Yes! I'm the bee without the honey.

I'm a house without a roof,
I'm a pub that has no stout.
Joining up for me is foreign -
Yes! For me being in is out!

- Joe Hughes

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Usually, the most common thought we have is how to fit in. Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, we are afraid of what people will say or do about us. Would they embrace it? If I truly intended to depict myself in that way, how am I doing it? Would they consider me odd and avoid my company?

I've struggled to fit in my entire life. Even though I was perceived by everyone as having a common bond, I was never genuinely on the same frequency as them. I resembled my sister absolutely. But I was simply better at pretending and acting like the others. They all thought of me as the popular high school girl crush that all the guys leered. Yeah, sure it's possible that some aspect of the persona I'm trying to project is sincerely true. But I knew that deep inside, that was not who I am. I was built to be different. To be unique.

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