Chapter Five

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Play it cool, Sam. "Sounds serious," he says flippantly as he presses a kiss to his girlfriend's lips "come in." She does as she's told, but not without Finn in tow. The last thing Sam wants right now is anyone in his room, so he's less than pleased. "Before I say anything-" she begins before Finn cuts in "Don't get mad again," he says, almost breathlessly "please."

The somber tenor sends Sam's heart spinning into backflips inside his chest. "Um...okay." is all he can muster as Mercedes perches herself on the end of the bed, Finn taking a seat in the armchair opposite. "You're thin, Sam. Too thin. Your skin is ghost-white and as beautiful as you are, you look tired. I'm worried about you." Mercedes reaches out for his hand but he moves away. "Right. You got me. I'm running a crack den and I smoke 45 joints a day." Sam replies, his tone rich with sarcasm. "Sam, I'm serious. If you're addicted, if you need help-" she goes to continue but Sam jumps backwards before he can even calculate his own move. "Why won't anybody just listen to me?!" The words come from deep within him as if some unknown force is possessing him entirely. "How many times do I have to say that I am FINE? In fact, I'd be a lot better if people would stop interrogating me." Rage pulsates through Sam, his fists clenched in sheer frustration. Finn and Mercedes, however, stay completely calm. If anything, they look simply disappointed, which only angers Sam more. "Do you think we enjoy interrogating you?" Mercedes responds softly. Sam just scoffs. "Seems like it."
"Well, we don't. What we enjoy is the real Sam; not this irritable, exhausted, broken Sam."
"Broken?" Sam feels his blood boil. "You don't get to decide that I'm 'broken'."
Mercedes just sighs yet again. "Then who does? Because you're certainly not going to." She says, and when Sam doesn't respond she adds: "Look, you don't think we can help you, fine. But there are people that can help you, rehab or-"
"Is this some kind of joke now?"
"Sam," Finn cuts in "You need to calm down, man." The tinge of fear in Finn's voice sends guilt seeping through Sam. He walks tentatively back over to Mercedes and sits beside her, taking her hands in his. When she doesn't reject the gesture, Sam breaks the silence. "I am not on drugs. I promise." Mercedes' eyes are still full to the brim with concern, but she looks as though she's starting to believe him. "Then what's wrong with you, Sam?"

I'm Exhausted (Samcedes)Where stories live. Discover now