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the great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain // lord byron


It doesn't come to many as wonder if I say as a popular person around the campus, I've tight friend circle. Lesser people know me heart to heart. I don't blend with just anyone.

For some reason, Emmaline, within her first week started striving to become one. So much so — she pretended to enjoy Bri's company. Not only that, she forced herself in awkward boxes just to get to hang of the mystery called Helius Mark.

"Hi you guys!"

Screaming from near distance in cafeteria area where people judge you based on what you wear or what you don't...isn't the way to go.

Helius acknowledged her by waving.

Is he kind or something?

Her violet eyes fired up, so did her steps, she hurried towards us. Everyone watched (is what I think) and my condescending glance didn't stop them. One day without Bri and I'm being assaulted by the likes of her, now who'll tackle her?

Reluctantly, when she reached, I scooched aside. Some people were more comfortable sitting on ground, greenery and sunshine... Me? Unlikely. But the way I was subtly shoved, I regretted not having sunscreen lotion on me. Cause the summertime sun is glaring straight. "Urk,"

Helius maintained coolness. The fans rejoiced in his grace, causing soft breeze to sway his boyish hair, just a bit, elegantly. "Good afternoon," he said. Emmaline beamed. "Yeah, it is! Bri and I got A++ on history project, isn't that cool?"


Then, almost in a rush, she parked her ass next to mine on the bench and quickly fished her bag... for a certain card. "Listen Alex, can you verify this?"

"Library card..." Helius mused. Poker faced.

I cleared my throat. "It's Alexander for you."

The response I got was a chin scratch — before an apology could shoot, Helius intervened. "There's a webtoon novel called BJ Alex so..."


"Wanna rephrase that?"

Helius looked away. A few chatters went on, presumably the table next to us was full of eavesdropping kids. This is the longest lunch. Thank God I don't come here often —

Just then, the conflict disappeared. Loud giggles replaced it. Emmaline pressed herself against the surface, plate untouched and giggly. Briefly, it was only us. Her beautiful laughing — her knotted scarf, the missing cardigan, the lit violets — but as she snorted, reality slapped me across my face. Get over it, Alexander.


Kids were running in the background. Their silhouette thundering, few high pitched voices speaking all at once.

That's right — Emmaline shifted us.

We had to move.

As I nibbled on my croissant, I happen to catch the lunch lady's eye, also giving me odd looks. Even she knew. Sigh.

"How far have you travelled?"

"Singapore, Greece, Japan..."

Worst of all, these two ignored me.

I savored the buttery flavor while moistening my lip, it's been an awful long time since I got the pleasure of sitting on ground... Hopefully we don't have ants in here... The grass feels funny, my legs aren't fit for this... "...that's where I met Alex, yeah?" Helius paused. Caught me in the middle of something. "Dude? What's happening?"

"This is peasant position."

"But -"

"- my butt isn't in pleasant shape either, thanks." I remarked sarcastically. I saw a momentary hurt flash in her violets. But... Why. I make these remarks all the time, Tabitha and Bri never mind.


Beside me, the next day, Emmaline sat tight. Little Mix played on her phone screen. Bony fingers lifelessly hung over the device waiting... On whom?

"Where is Aubrielle?"

Scandalizing the villagers.

Helius didn't bother to reply... So it's on me. "We don't speak of her here," I said slowly. It was no exaggeration. Helius could sense I hated my stepsister passionately. He knew most of my triggers. Hence I trusted him.

His head shot up. Responsively. "Easy there, Hitler." Emmaline's facial expressions tensed slightly. "O...Kay...Can I ask -"

"You cannot."

I stabbed the lettuce as an image of my sister's whereabouts presented itself onto my plate. I so hate her.


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