~ Chapter 2 ~

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(~A/N I only own what

Mal's pov

Me and Belle looked at eachother worried before standing up and looking around. Adam and Ben quickly made their way over to us. "Did you see anyone?" Ben asked me. "No you?" "No" "Great they could still be in here" I said looking around. "Hey don't stress okay?" Ben said to me. "It's a bit hard. Anyway where is my dad? I can't see him." I asked crossing my arms and looking around. "CAN EVERYONE PLEASE BE QUIET AND TELL US IF THERE IS ANYONE HURT!!!" Adam shouted. Everyone went quiet and some put their hands up shouting.  I ran over to the closest place where people was shouting. "Jay?" I said as I knelled down. "Mal I was only shot in my leg but you need to check out the balcony" "Are your sure?" "I'm sure Mal someone was up there" I stand up. "Can you call the ambulance and police" I asked someone before walking towards the balcony. "Mal your not going up there" Belle said pulling me towards her. "No I need to check up there" I said as I pulled away from her. "Mal stop it. Your not going up there" Adam said pulling me into a tight hug. "Mal stop it. They told you not to" Dr. Facilier can over and told me. "Where is my dad?" "He's um he was shot" "No no no no no" I said over and over again to get out of Adam's grip.  "No please let me go" I begged. Us 4 heard a door slam upstairs so Adam let go off me and ran up stairs as Ben came over and hugged me. "I need to go see my Dad. Please" I cried as the police and ambulance came rushing in. "No Mal. I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you." I heard a limo beep as Ben checked his phone. "Where are my kid?!" "Mal I promise they are fine, look they are walking out with Audrey, Jane and Carlos to get on the limo." Ben told me. "Mal why don't you get in the limo and go to the castle with the rest of the bridesmaids, My dad was supposed to come but I have told him to go straight to the castle" Belle told me but I shook my head. "I'll come with you. Will you be alright here Ben?" Belle asked and Ben nodded his head. Me and Belle walked to the limo and got in. After 10 minutes all the Isle bridesmaids got in and we set off. "Do you all know where your room's are in the castle?" I asked and they all nodded. "So you all have two options you can go straight to your rooms and go to bed or you can go to your rooms change into your pj's and come back down to the Family room and wait till we have some news" I said and they all nodded. I cuddled into Belle waiting to arrive at the castle. Once we got there me and Belle went  straight to the Family room. "Belle?" Someone asked as I had my face in my hands bouncing my leg up and down. "Papa your here!" Belle said getting up. "How come we're here? Where is Adam and Ben?" he asked. "I'm going to change" I said before running up to my room. I change into my PJs that said bride just before someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said as I took my hair clip out and put it back in it's box. He door opened and Carlos walked in. "Audrey and Jane are sorting all the kids out. Are you okay?" I shook my head as more tears flowed down my face. "Maurice is here aren't you going to go back down?" I shrug my shoulder as he took the pins out off my hair letting my hair fall down. "He'll want to meet Ben's wife, the queen, Mal" I stood up and wiped my eyes. "You ready?" I nodded my head and walked down stairs back into the family room. Everyone look over and gave me a smile. "Please just stop acting like nothing has happened cos it has and it's not gonna change a thing" I told every as I said down next to Belle. "I know it's hard not to stress or be angry but it's not good for the baby. No one knows this but I had a miscarriage" I nod and lean into Belle as she puts har arm around me. "My dad has just gone to go help the boys out."

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