-What Happened-?

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-Third Person? POV- (idk im tired and not smart-)
His head felt heavy, his vision blurry. I've got to make this, we're running out of time, he though, his feet pounding against the long hall, his destination at the end. He felt himself falling, the floor giving out. thankfully it was only a small distance, but still not a good one. Someone called out, only it sounded like it was being said deep underwater. Two faces appeared over him within seconds of his body hitting the lower floor, one wearing a worried look, shaking him, the other's mouth moving, saying something, but he was already drifting into unconsciousness, his world going black and the figures fading.
The brown haired boy woke up, a headache bringing him back to reality in the small room, lined with books. His memory was foggy with the face of someone, but it was already fading from his mind. He sat up from the floor in which he was laying upon, and could feel his breath quicken. He looked at the books to see if they would kick-start his mind, reading some of the titles.

Tales of the SMP:
The Wild West,
The Masquerade,
The Beach Episode,
The Lost City of Mizu,
The Village that Went Mad,

along with a few others, but they didn't do anything to help.

He couldn't remember what they were, or why he was there. His breath felt like it stopped, only thinking "i need to get outta here." He did a quick spin, and saw a ladder, climbing it with haste, nearly tripling over himself. He emerged from the hole in the ground and came into what looked like a small room, presumably part of a house, or a house on its own. A tank filled with colorful fish was lined agains one wall, and a door was on the other, in which he gladly took to get out.

He shut the door, with enough force to make it have a thud, startling the boy. The day was cloudy, but promised no rain, and plenty of shade. He tugged at the sleeves of his multicolored hoodie, and tried to go as on what he did know. He walked over and sat in the shade of a willow tree, and tried to gather his thoughts. There were a multitude or small buildings around him, and towers in the distance, but he didn't seem to remember any of them. He couldn't think of what they all stood for, or who built or owned the buildings. A handful of people were walking around in the paths that went through the buildings, but none looking all that familiar. One looked over in his direction, and waved, heading towards him. The other had black shoulder-length hair, and a headband with two horns poking out from above it, along with a pointed tail, and was dressed in a sleeveless white hoodie with a flame in it, over a black long sleeve shirt, and black cargo pants, and boots. He had a smile on his face, and jogged over to him, sitting next to him in the shade of the tree, resting against the willow, putting his arms behind his head and closing his eyes.
"You would not believe what Big Q was saying his plans are, a new nation, but he wouldn't tell me much other then that. He's planning on having something for the three of us, won't give me any details though."
The brown haired boy watched him as he talked, trying to rack his brain of who the visitor might be and who this Big Q fellow might be. He sounds like he has his life together, fully planned out as far as he could tell.
"hey, Earth to Jacobs, Earth to Jacobs, you zoned for a second. You alright?" The other said, jumping him out of his thoughts.
"Hm? yeah... uhh yeah i'm fine, just, thinking-?" He tried his best to make it sound not like a question and more of a statement, somewhat failing. "Alright.." the 'visitor' said, and closed his eyes once again, letting them both relax in the shade. The duo stayed there for a few, before he asked the 'visitor',

"what did you say your name was again-?"

WHOOO I wrote most of this while camping or at midnight, and what a great place to leave off? but anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to drink water and snack! this is my first book-
!712 words!

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