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-Third Person POV-(??)
"What... What do mean what's my name? we've been together, engaged, for, for a while now-? It's Sapnap, did you hit your head-? Are you alright?" he, Sapnap, said, looking at the smaller boy, who shrugged, and scratched the back of his neck. "heh, i...yeah, I guess I did" he responded, panicking oh-so-slightly. "The two of us are dating? And what about this Big Q guy-? did i actually hit my head-?" The shorter would think, staring into the grass, tears pricking his eyes. How did others know him so much more then he did himself-? wait. now that he thinks, what was his name-? He knew he had one, but what was it-?
He started panicking, maybe he should ask Sapnap, he should know, right? but he could think of it, no matter what. He felt his breath hitch, and become faster, and he'd shut his eyes, tightly, feeling tears trickle down his face.
Sapnap must have been saying something, because he felt hands on his shoulders, pulling him into a hug, and would hear the quiet sound of his voice, slowly getting louder.
"rl- karl, i'm here, okay?" Said the black-haired boy, trying to calm the other down, saying words of reassurance.
Karl... karl. that was his name. just four letters, why didn't he remember it-?
"t-thanks" he'd say, and hug the other back, hiding his tear-stained face in Sapnaps shoulder, his breathing soon becoming more steady, and let go, rubbing his eyes with his hoodie sleeves.
"Quackity said he wanted to meet up with us, you feel ready to go?" Sapnap said, looking over at the brown haired boy, and waited for his answer.
maybe this would help kickstart memories-? i should go, make things seem normal, at least try to"
"yeah, i'll go, it'll be fun" the brown haired boy said, and stood, and reached out a hand for Sapnap, who grabbed it and got up. The taller put his hand on karl's, holding it, and smiled at him, karl smiling back.
The sky was slowly getting darker as the Sapnap lead the shorter, who would look around him as they went, like seeing all the building for the first time. which, with how bad his memory is, it was like his first time seeing it all. They'd pass over the place where L'manburg once was, now just a crator in the earth, and all the buildings, The community house, Erets castle, and other builds that people have made.
They went to the Main portal, and went through, the purple gas going over them, and would transport them to the nether, and Sapnap would let go of his hand, pulling out a fire resistance potion for Karl.
"here, just in case" he said, and karl took the potion, and stashed it.
The two made their way through the nether, and arrived at another portal, and went through, arriving in a desert area, sand all around them.
"should be...There-!" Sapnap would say, looking around before spotting the beginnings of a nation, buildings half done and some compleated. The tallest so far was a tower, that had a place you could go to on top, where a figure would be, up at the top looking over the railing.
"race you there!-" Sapnap would say, and go towards the stairs, where Karl would walk after him, not wanting to be reckless.
The two would make their way up, Sapnap out of breath half way up, and Karl would chuckle at him, passing him going up.
The shorter would pause, looking out at a window, seeing the in-progress buildings, and wonder how this place will look once completed. he shook his head, and continues to make his way up, going slowly, waiting for Sapnap to reappear.
"Wait up-!" the taller would say, jogging up to him, and walk next to his Fiancé.
"well go home and let you get some rest after wards okay-? the thre of us will go together" Sapnap would say, and karl nodded.
So, are the three of them together? they do all live together, it's a possibility.
The two would get to the top, and the stars would be creeping their way out, the sun going over the horizon.
"Tada-! This is what i wanted to show you two-! my new, in progress-, country. It'll be named Las Nevadas, and everyone will be able to have fun"
The figure at the top should say, wearing black pants, black dress shoes, and a white long sleeve button up, a tie around his neck, and suspenders over the shirt.

word count: 773

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