Anger-Part 2

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Julian looked out the slowly frosting glass window and saw his city bloom into view. His pale pupils shook from the intensity of light outside although, the clouds bleached the sky; his eyes needed accustoming to the smallest amount. London meant a lot of things to lot of people. London should've been just another city, but to Julian it was so much more. London was beautiful; beautiful like the only place he'd even known. The serene skies filled with soft puffs of clouds that cloak the glory of the majestic sun. The gorgeous trees slumping with the burden of saying goodbye to the leaves that held onto them for three seasons.

Sometimes Julian threw the window open and stood by the edge letting the city breeze sweep by, caressing his hair and flirting with his eyelids, sending thrills of cold through his lashes where they tenderly lost themselves is his big dark eyes as he opened them and life bustled into view. London was never a quiet city. Not even at night; Julian would know as he never slept. He couldn't sleep; slowly crying in pain for all of his torments. That's why Julian cherished mornings. They made him feel cozy; at peace. So, he pushed his thoughts of the night away and his stomach lurched in pain. Julian smiled bitterly.

"Mimo?" a girl with short blonde hair walked in his room, her gaze uncertain and playful like always with big blue eyes looking at Julian as if he was an aquarium full of wonders.

Julian winced; this was too much hope. He bent down and ruffled his sister's hair.

"Mimo?" he repeated smiling.

"MIMO!" she screamed; her mouth now wide open in innocent joy.

"I'm Julian. Lila, you're not learning your names properly. Isn't Chresti teaching you well?" Julian spoke, playfully stern.

The little girl pouted, "But you have big black eyes," she said slowly caressing his hair, Julian's gut wretched inwards, "Like that one fish from 'Mimo'" she said, her eyes flaring with happiness. Julian guessed he could have this one moment. Just one. ''Its Nem-" Julian began but he was interrupted.

"Mom's sad about you." she spoke, more as if she was being told to than she wanted to. Julian's heart gripped with a sharp anger. How could they use her? How could they already make her hate- "She's sad Mimo."

Julian broke. He threw his pot of coffee on the ground with tremendous force, as it spilled all through the sprawled books, newspapers and articles he'd always collected but never bothered to clean. His favorite dragon toy was soaked with the brown liquid. So was every toy he'd sprawled around his room, never bothering to clean. Never letting anyone else do it either.

"JULIAN-" his mother burst into the room, her face contorted in fear and pity, her hair wasn't tied and flew about frantically. Her eyes darted to the room and she saw the spill. She looked back at Julian with sad eyes. Somehow, her eyes, the emotion behind them, made Julian more annoyed.

"Get out mom! And take Lila with you! I don't want your coffee! I don't want any of it!" Julian screamed back at her.

She smiled at him. Julian couldn't believe her gall.

"Did you have a nightmare? You should've called me, I would've slept with you," she continued, slowly advancing towards him. Her eyes contorted with hope. It looked a lot like Julian's when he'd been talking to Lila. Julian couldn't bear it. Her black eyes that darted back into his black ones like a bullet searing his skin. He really did have his mother's eyes. Julian ran for his bed. Lila started crying.

"I don't need you! I don't need your hope!" he shouted to her; his words as cold as ice. His mother flinched again as he drew his blanket over him. He blocked out everything, his ears, his eyes and his heart.

Lila kept crying. After a while, Julian heard a door close and the crying muffled.

But still, Lila had cried.

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