Those Green Eyes

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I was walking to the set for Civil War after picking up a coffee for my mom from a local cafe that we both love. I wanted to surprise her because I've been away for work, walking up and down catwalks is more emotionally draining than you'd think. It makes me anxious, no matter how much I love people seeing my designs, it feels weird seeing them on other people. I always wonder what people are whispering about if it's how the design looks or how I look if they'll like me or not. Thankfully I haven't had a panic attack on stage yet, backstage, however..not so much, that was a bad one. 

Before I knew it I was just outside the set, thankfully the security at the gate knows who I was so he let me through to see my mom. As I walk toward the wardrobe trailer I take in my surroundings looking at all the sets full of cameras and wires. Trailers and tents all around me along with tall lights and greenscreens. 

I slowly walk up to the wardrobe trailer and knock on the door not wanting to walk in just in case. Thankfully my mom's coworker opens the door and smiles at me as I push a finger to my lips signalling her to not tell my mom I'm here. I walk into the trailer and see my mom's back to me, I walk up and tap her shoulder and she turns around and our eyes lock. It takes her a second for her to register it's me but smiles and hugs me, I hug her back with one arm my other holding the tray of coffee. "Hi mom, I thought I'd come by and give you some coffee from that cafe we like" I say as she pulls away from the hug "thank you, honey, I've missed you so much" she says with a smile plastered on her face. We catch up drinking our coffees and she continues working while still very aware of our conversation. 

Just as we were talking there's a knock on the trailer door I don't bother looking back as my mom's coworker opens and greets whoever is at the door. My mom turns around and smirks at me and I give her a quirked eyebrow wondering why she looks like an insane person. Her smirk at me quickly turns into a smile at whoever is behind me "Hey girly how are you doing?" she asks "Hi Y/M/N, I'm okay what about you?" my face drops as I'm still facing my mom, I'd know that voice anywhere my stomach filled with butterflies in less than a second and my heart starts racing. "I'm great, Lizzie this is Y/N, my daughter" I have no choice but to turn around as I do, it like time stopped as I looked into those green eyes. She's even more beautiful in person, I shake my head to get myself out of my trance and raise my hand to shake hers. "Hi Y/N it's nice to meet you" she says with a smile on her face "I-Hi, It's nice to meet you too" I say as I internally hit myself for studdering. 

"Y/N is a big fan of yours" my mom speaks over my shoulder and winks at me "mom!" I say looking at her wide-eyed Lizzie gives a little chuckle "It's okay Y/N, I'm a fan of your work as well, your mom doesn't stop talking about you" she says and I give my mom another wide-eyed look. "what I can't help it if my daughter is successful" she says trying to defend herself 

wait..did Elizabeth Olsen just say she's a fan of my work? 

"well kiddo I gotta get back to work, but your welcome to stay" my mom says "I'm okay mom I should go back to my apartment and get some designs going" I say hugging her goodbye I turn around to say goodbye to Lizzie and my mom's coworker "well it was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Olsen and I hope we meet again soon" I say taking one final look into those deep beautiful green eyes "It was a pleasure to meet you too, and please call my Lizzie and I hope to wear one of your designs one day" she says and winks at me I bite my lip and smile "I look forward to it, I'll design something just for you" I say and wink back at her 

As I leave the trailer, coffee in hand I can't help but smile as I walk back to my apartment, once I get inside I sit at my desk trying to find a design in my brain but it's stuck on those green eyes it's like I was hypnotized by her and I can't escape it. I finally accept the fact that I'm not going to get anything done today and just watch shameless on Netflix for the rest of the day. 

I'm stuck deep in those damn green eyes...


Hi so I've never written fanfiction before so I hope you like this so far but if you guys have any constructive criticism I'd greatly appreciate it. 

have a great morning/day/night<3 

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