Chicken Alfredo

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It was now Saturday morning and I was abruptly woken up by the alarm I had set for 8:30 am. Normally I'm not a morning person and it takes me a while to actually get out of bed even if I'm fully awake scrolling away on my phone. After 20 minutes, I finally get out of bed and go into my kitchen once again having a bowl of cereal due to my lack of food at the moment. After I eat my breakfast I walk over to my Bluetooth speaker and connect my phone, pressing play on my liked songs. The first song that plays is Sweet Talk by Saint Motel and I bop my head to the beat of the song while I get ready for the day. I decide to take a quick shower, it was short and relaxing. I get out wrapping a towel around my body and start to brush my teeth still listening to the music that plays in the background of my morning routine. I get a text and look at the notification.

🤗Green eyes😘: Morning angel, we still on for lunch?

Me: Hey morning, of course, where we going?

🤗Green eyes😘: That's a surprise, I'll pick you up what's your address?

Me: Oh okay, uh it's 525 NE North Ave.

🤗Green eyes😘: Okay great! I'll be there for 11?

Me: Perfect, what should I wear? how formal are you making me dress?

🤗Green eyes😘: Wear whatever you want I know you'll make whatever it is look great, not formal :)

Me: Hehe thanks, I'll see you soon green eyes

🤗Green eyes😘: See you soon angel

I set my phone down and dance around to the new song playing Televised by HUNNY. I get dressed into a casual summer outfit considering it's kinda hot today according to the weather app on my phone. I finish getting dressed and check the time and it's now 9:45 am so I decided to dry my hair and put on some very light makeup.

Your Outfit:

After I finish getting ready, I check the time once more and notice it is around 10:35 and see a text from Lizzie the was sent 2 minutes ago

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After I finish getting ready, I check the time once more and notice it is around 10:35 and see a text from Lizzie the was sent 2 minutes ago

🤗Green eyes😘: Leaving now! See you soon :)

Me: See you soon!

I make my way around my apartment putting my wallet, Airpods, and a portable charger into my purse and grab my white converse and slip them on. I make sure I have everything I need also making sure I have my keys and lock my door. I start to slowly walk toward the elevator putting my keys in my purse keeping my phone and sunglasses in my hand. Once I get into the elevator, I push the button for the ground floor as I try to push my huge smile away or at least to a smaller one. I get to the ground floor and wait outside the building for Lizzie to pick me up. I check my phone to see if she texted me at all but didn't see anything. All of a sudden I hear a whistle coming from a car that pulled up in front of me. I look up and see Lizzie leaning down to look at me from the passenger window. "Damn I said casual Y/N" she states I roll my eyes sliding my sunglasses on and open the door sliding into the passenger seat "This is casual green eyes, speaking of casual, your not wearing it"

Lizzie's Outfits:

She laughs a little "what?" I look at her with a confused look "It just looks like we planned the outfits, see we kinda match" she smiles warmly and I return it to her

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She laughs a little "what?" I look at her with a confused look "It just looks like we planned the outfits, see we kinda match" she smiles warmly and I return it to her. "So where are we going green eyes? Are you kidnapping me?" I tease her and she just nudges my arm and rolls her eyes "No I'm not and you can't know, that's what a surprise is, dummy" I sign out in fake frustration. We start driving listening to the radio and suddenly Talk Too Much by COIN starts playing and I can't help but sing along. I start singing to Lizzie, looking at her as I use my left hand as a microphone and point at her with the other hand. I notice her holding back a smile so I continue doing this until she does, it didn't take long she laughs at my singing looking at me every time we get to a stoplight. I sing multiple songs to her as she laughs at my stupidity until we reach our destination.

"where are we?" I ask but she just signals me to get out of the car. We get out and approach a smallish building with lots of street art covering it. "okay now I'm actually scared you are gonna kidnap me" I say as she grabs my wrist and pulls me into the building "don't lie you wouldn't mind if I did" I quirk my head..shes not wrong. As we step inside the building I notice it is really dark and I can hardly see anything. She pulls me over to a staircase leading up. "Lizzie what the hell are we doing, this doesn't look like lunch," I say and she just keeps pulling me up the stairs she opens the door and I'm pulled onto the roof of the building and Lizzie lets go of my hand.

"TA-DA!" she says at a medium volume "Lizzie what is this?" I ask with a huge smile on my face I look around at the display on the roof of the mysterious building, she's set up a little picnic lunch for the two of us with pillows, takeout boxes, and a cooler of drinks. "I hope this is okay, I don't really like big social areas," she says looking down at her hands again looking like she is scared for my answer "Lizzie I love it! thank you so much" I jump u and down slightly and give her a quick hug and pull her to sit down with me.

"So Ms. Olsen, what's on the menu for today?" I lean closer to her as I ask the question and smile at her, she returns the smile and stares opening some boxes "Italian, I asked your mom what you liked and she said it was your favourite and you liked chicken alfredo the most" I smile and watch as she opens boxes on food and talks.

She put in so much effort for me. Did she do this for me? No, she said she doesn't like public places.. wait is this a date? Jesus Y/N get ahold of yourself you guys only just met. I shake my head coming back to reality.

"Lizzie this all looks amazing, thank you" you pause for a second "I uh was actually kinda nervous you would pick a really fancy busy place... I don't really like restaurants" she looks at me with a corner of her mouth pulling into a smile "I guess I really do catch on fast," She says and I look up to her giving me a friendly wink which makes my stomach fill with butterflies but I can't help but smile back at her.

We begin eating our food and talking to each other asking about our hobbies and just getting lost in the simple moment where we were just like everyone else, not an actress or model, just us.


Hey everyone here's another chapter :) hope y'all like it

Also, that address is a real apartment I looked up in Atlanta if you guys need an idea of what the apartment looks like...

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