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The next morning, I woke up in the clothes I had been wearing the night before. I had been too unmotivated to change or do anything for that matter, I had been too caught up with what happened with Lizzie to care about anything. To make matters worse, she was blind to what had happened. She played it off like it was nothing, like the flirtatious things she'd say and do were absolutely nothing. I found it hard to get out of bed that morning, it took me an hour of staring at the ceiling and walls to finally tell myself to get up just to move to the couch and find something on t.v to watch. I wasn't in any mood to eat anything and just wanted to be alone even though that was probably the worst thing for me at the moment. I turned on the t.v and scrolled through channels to find something to watch, I noticed Y/F/M (your favorite movie) playing so I left it on.

A few hours pass and the movies finished but I just leave the same channel on being too lazy to look for another. I decide to get up and go to my kitchen to find something to eat out of boredom, I didn't find anything decent to eat and just decide to make some popcorn thinking it might lift my spirits a little. When the popcorn was finished and coated it generously with butter and added a little salt then went back to the t.v. I recognized the movie playing on the t.v as one of the Godzilla movies, which I had never been a diehard fan of but it looked interesting so I left it on. Not long after, the movie showed a little boy watching the news about the Godzilla attack, and to my surprise, a familiar voice filled my ears followed by a familiar face. It was Lizzie, of course, it was why wouldn't I see her. Just when I thought I was feeling a bit better, everything came back, it was like getting rocks thrown at you while getting stabbed. Without a second thought, I turned off the t.v and went on my phone instead. thankfully I didn't see any texts from Lizzie, I don't know what I'd do if I got a text from her, would I reply or ignore her?

Minutes turned into hours of scrolling through social media but mostly TikTok. Seeing memes actually made me forget about my current situation but that quickly ended when my phone died. I get up and go to my bedroom to plug my phone in, once it's charging, I set it down on my bedside table and decide to go out. I get dressed not putting much effort into my outfit, once dressed I grab my keys and wallet not needing anything else I leave and lock the door behind me. I have no real destination in my head so I just decide to go for a walk to clear my head. Honestly, the walk didn't make me feel much better, It just left me alone with my thoughts which is probably not what's best right now.

After about 20 minutes on what felt like a pointless walk, I headed back to my apartment. It didn't take me long to get back to my apartment, once I arrived I unlocked the door and immediately went to change into something more comfortable. I changed into some pajama shorts and an oversized band tee. After I was finished getting dressed I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was already 6 pm along with three messages from Lizzie. I felt my heart start beating faster.

🤗Green Eyes🥰                                                                                                                                                                       Hey angel, how was your day? :)   Sent 30 minutes ago

🤗Green Eyes🥰                                                                                                                                                                     Hello?    Sent 25 minutes ago

🤗Green Eyes🥰                                                                                                                                                                    I'm assuming your working or something but text me back so I know your okay <3 Sent 15 minutes ago

I didn't know what to do. Do I respond? I just stand there staring at the messages finally decided to just go back to what I was doing, thinking I'd text her later. After a while of sitting and watching more tv, I got hungry and decided id make something quick. I ended up a boxed making mac n cheese and after went back to the show currently playing in the almost empty apartment.

Not long after I finished my food, I got a text from my best friend, Dani.

Bestie                                                                                                                                                                                      Hey girllll!! guess whos in town for a while!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           y/n                                                                                                                                   Omg really!?! Yes Dani you have no                                                                                                                                    idea how much I need an escape!

Bestie                                                                                                                                                                                  Well then... LET'S GO CLUBBING!!!                                                                                                         y/n                                                                                                                        YES, I NEED THIS! I'm getting ready now.

Although not the healthiest, the thought of getting drunk and drowning my thoughts and worries in liquor made me feel better. It made me feel like if I got lost and went into my own world filled with laughter, music, and alcohol I wouldn't have problems to face anymore or at least hold off on facing them now. As I got dressed I texting Dani at my address so she could pick me up, I decided on a pare black pants and a black lace top with some necklaces and rings that complimented my outfit and makeup which was just some black eyeliner, mascara, and mat red lipstick.

your outfit:

Not long after getting ready, Dani was at your apartment ready to take you to her favorite club

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Not long after getting ready, Dani was at your apartment ready to take you to her favorite club. Once you got there you noticed a long line of people waiting to get into the club. fortunately for you, Dani was friends with the owner so you were able to sneak past the long line and into the very dark and loud club. You thought back to your little world of no worries and alcohol and got excited for your escape would soon be granted to you. Little did you know, tonight's events would only cause more problems.


Hiiiiiii soooo ik I said id be posting a lot more and clearly I haven't but college has been tough so far but I really am trying to get as much out as possible. so sorry guys.

I hope yall have a great day/night :) <3

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