Why Does She Care?

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The next morning I woke up with a huge headache and a pain in my stomach. I looked over to my nightstand and realized there was water and medicine sitting there along with a note that says: "Hey sobber y/n, you got beyond drunk last night so I brought you home. Take this and drink lots of water. Text me when you get up and let's go for lunch, love you! -Dani".

I smiled at the note mentally thanking her. I grabbed the pills and placed them in my mouth taking a sip of water to swallow them and drinking the rest of the water grabbing my phone to text Dani after.

y/n: Hey thanks for taking care of me last night, I don't remember a damn thing lol.

Not expecting a reply right away, I go onto my Instagram and notice a have a story. Not remembering what I posted, I clicked on it and saw myself dancing a little sexually with Dani. I laughed to myself remembering the event as the story ended and onto the next which was me drinking 3 shots of something I can't remember, in a row and sucking on a lime right after all of them. Rolling my eyes at how drunk I was, I received a text from Dani

Bestie: Morning party animal lol. np, you wanna get lunch today?

y/n: Sure pick me up whenever?

Bestie: Sounds good. Anywhere specific?

y/n: nope surprise me.

Checking the time I noticed that it was already 10 am so I decided to get ready for lunch with Dani. I started off with taking a shower to fully sobber myself up from last night and to wash off the sweat from partying to what felt like no end. After my shower, I picked out a cute and casual outfit to wear to lunch. After I got dressed I sat down and waited for Dani to text me when she was leaving. Quickly getting bored with social media, I decided to watch some t.v. I went to my living room turning the t.v on and scrolling through channels to find something to watch and settled on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. After a while of watching the show, I feel my phone vibrate, checking what the notification was, I noticed Dani text me saying she was 5 minutes away from my place along with a text from Lizzie. I didn't really know how to feel, everything that was upsetting me came back all at once but another part of me questioned why I was still mad at her. It's not her fault I developed feelings for her, yet she would knowingly flirt with me. I opened the text message and slightly chuckled to myself.

🤗Green Eyes🥰: Hey, you okay I haven't heard from you in a while? Text me when you can so I know you're okay.

I wanted to text her back but what would I say? "Yeah, I'm fine"? how could I say that when I'm not fine and then simply have a conversation with someone who doesn't even know she hurt me. Deciding to text her later, I started getting my shoes on and gather my phone, wallet, and keys and leave for lunch with Dani. Once I was outside I noticed Dani's car pull up, I smiled knowing she was the perfect distraction. "hey cutie, nice outfit" she said complimenting me "Thanks" I said simply while opening the car door and getting in.

Your outfit:

After about 15 minutes of driving and singing along to the songs on the car radio, we arrived at a small soup and sandwich cafe

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After about 15 minutes of driving and singing along to the songs on the car radio, we arrived at a small soup and sandwich cafe. It was cute and quaint and genuinely looked like a nice place to be. It looked calming which was just what I needed right now. Being with Dani has helped take Lizzie off my mind. We step into line, waiting while looking at the menu. When it's finally our turn to order, Dani allows me to go first. "Hi, I'll take a cheddar broccoli soup and green tea please," I tell the cashier as she rings up the first half of the order, Dani then orders her food and the cashier tells us to sit at a table and that our food with be called when ready. Dani won the fight of who going to pay like always so I go sit down and wait for her. As I'm waiting I get a notification, I look at my phone and notice it's another text from Lizzie.

🤗Green Eyes🥰: Hey, y/n I'm getting worried, are you okay? Are you mad at me or something?

I decide not to reply once again, I don't need my time out with my friend to be ruined by my moody attitude. As I put my phone down I notice Dani sit down at the table with our food. "This looks so good, thanks again Dani," I say giving my friend a sweet smile which she immediately returns with a simple "your welcome". While eating I can still feel my phone going off in my pocket, phone calls and texts I can only assume are from Lizzie but I don't answer as I am too busy to answer her right now.

When Dani and I are finished eating, she drops me off at my apartment, and once again I'm alone. I decide to clean up my apartment a little considering I've been too much in a slump the past few days to clean it. Grabbing a garbage bag, I start with the take-out containers in my living room and bedroom then move on to washing dishes. By the time I'm done cleaning it's already 4 pm and decided to relax for the rest of the evening. Sitting down on my couch, I turned on the T.V and chose to watch "killing eve".

After a few hours and many episodes of one of my favorite shows, I suddenly got hungry and went to the kitchen to make dinner for myself. Looking in my kitchen, there wasn't much but noticed the ingredients needed to make spaghetti. I got out a pot and started to boil some water and another to heat up the pre-made sauce. When the water was boiling, I added the pasta and waited for it to cook while stirring every now and then. While waiting for my food to cook, I heard a knock on my door. Confused, I opened it, immediately getting mixed feelings when I saw her standing in the doorway.



Hiiiii guyssss I'm really sorry this took so long to get out I've just been really stressed with college and life.

Hope yall are doing good and enjoy this chapter, next chapter may or may not be Lizzie's POV from the past few days ;)

Have a great morning/day/evening/night, everyone <3

-Amy :)

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