Chapter 15

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Ethan appeared out of nowhere and ran in, picked her up, and ran out so fast that barely anyone saw him. I ran after him.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked, still running.

"Where do you think? An ambulance isn't fast enough. The baby needs out. Now. Or it's going to die." He yelled over his shoulder.

Five seconds later, we were at the hospital. He hurried in the lobby.

"This girl is about to have a baby, and she needs a room."

"Yes, sir. Medics are on there way." A few minutes later, nurses rushed in with a stretcher. They attached her to oxygen support and rushed her into a room. I tried to go after, but someone stopped me.

"Only family, ma'am." I stared him down.

"I'm her sister." I shoved past the stuck-up doctor and ran to Kendall's side.

She looked so helpless. I grabbed her hand, and she looked up at me and tried to smile. "You were there for me earlier today. I'm going to be here for you now." I squeezed her hand. She screamed from another contraction. It was horrible seeing her like this.

Ethan rushed in and sat in the chair next to me. "How is she? Is she okay?"

"Well SHE is right here."

"Hey babe." He took her hand from me and kissed it.

"I'm oka-" She was cut off by another contraction. "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!" She screamed again and a doctor rushed in.

"Okay. We are. Just get ready." The doctor put on her gloves. "Name's Dr. Roberts."

"I really don't care!" Kendall screamed.

"Okay on the count of three, I need you to push. 1... 2... 3.."


Kendall smiled down at her little girl. Ethan wrapped his arm around her.

"She truly is beautiful." They both smiled.

"What are you going to name her?" I ask. They look at each other.

"Danielle Elise." I stared at her in awe. I absolutely loved that name. That had always been the name that I was going to name my baby girl, but since I'm a vampire now, I can't.

"I named her that, because I want you to have her."

"You want what?" I was shocked!

"I'm not married and I don't know how to take care of a child. Just please don't tell her who her real mother is. You can just say that I am your sister."

"Kendall. I can't take your baby from you."

"But I want you to." I debated it for a second.

"I'll talk to Nick." She smiled at me.

Why me? I thought. I'm the crazed vampire! At least she's human!

My hands were trembling and I stepped out of the room to call Nick. I just now realized that I was still in my wedding dress. After four rings he answered.

"Where are you? What's going on?"

"Kendall had her baby. And she wants us to have it."

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