Chapter 16

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All I could hear was static coming through the other end.

"Babe? You there?" More silence. "Nick. Are. You. Okay?"

"I'm fine. Just... why?" I explained everything to him. "Well, if that's what she wants, then I guess we have to. As long as she is still in her life."

"She will. I gotta go. I love you." He didn't have time to say anything back. I hung up the phone and ran back in Kendall's room.

"He said yes."

"Thank you." Kendall gave me a weak smile. She had tears in her eyes. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Of course." I smiled and gently lifted her out of Kendall's arms. I slowly rocked her, but was aware of Kendall's emotions as well. I could tell that she was trying not to cry. I kissed Danielle on the cheek and gave her back to Kendall. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as well.

"I'm going to let you three be alone." I had almost forgotten Ethan was in the room. For seconds, it had only been me and Danielle.

I walked out into the hallway and slid down the wall. I started to cry. To be completely honest, I don't know why. I heard footsteps coming my way. Dr. Roberts came around the corner. I stood up and shook her hand. "I think that there is something you need to talk to Kendall about."

Dr. Roberts walked into Kendall's room. I tried to listen through the door.

"I was told that you needed to talk to me about something." Dr. Roberts said.

"I'm thinking about giving Danielle up for adoption. But not just to anyone. I want Kaci to have her."

"And has Kaci agreed to this?"

"Yes. Are there any papers that she and Nick need to sign?"

"A lot. Let me go get them." I hurried to back away from the door as she turned the doorknob. "Kaci! You're still here!" It's not like you didn't just see me, like, five minutes ago. "I have some adoption papers you need to sign. Call Nick and get him down here?"

"Actually, I'm right here." He was still in his suit. I laughed to myself as I thought about the past few hours. I had gotten married, my best friend had her baby, and now I'm a mom. It's crazy!

"Nick. We need you to sign some adoption papers. I'll be right back." She turned and walked around.

"This is crazy!" I said to him.

"I know! We just got married and now we're parents. Do you think it's too fast?"

"Well. We can't control it."

"I'm back!" Dr. Roberts called.

"Can we do this with Kendall?"

"Of course."

We walked into Kendall's room and sat down in a chair. We signed all of the papers and little Danielle was ours. I couldn't be happier. Kendall was still fighting tears.

The next day, Kendall and Danielle could both go home. I gave Kendall a huge hug and told her to come by once we had Danielle's room ready. She held Danielle and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, baby girl." She said, smiling through tears.

I gave her one last hug and climbed into the backseat of the car. Nick was in the front. He was smiling into the rearview mirror. We drove off, waving goodbye to Kendall and Ethan.

We pulled up the driveway, and I got Danielle out of the car.

I stood outside the house and admired it, showing it to Danielle.

"Welcome home, Danielle." I smiled and walked in the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2013 ⏰

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