Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The wind was getting louder outside, and I kept waiting for Nick to come home. It had already been two hours. I made myself a hot chocolate, curled up on the couch, and wrapped up in a blanket. I grabbed the remote and turned on the news.

Local man: Lost in a snow storm

I sat straight up. They showed a picture of Nick Careny. MY Nick Careny. I grabbed the phone and called the police station.

"That's my husband. The one missing in the snow storm. Please update me if you find him. Please." I lied. I wasn't his wife. I wished I was, but I wasn't. I started to cry. It was all my fault.

I ran outside into the cold. I started to run down the street.

I smelt something. It was familiar. I followed my nose where it took me. I saw red in the snow up ahead of me and ran to it. It was blood. Nick's blood. I dug into the snow as fast as I could. I could see the top of his head. "Please stay with me, Nick. I need you." I started to cry, and my vision got blurry. I could now see the top of his torso and his skin was ice cold. I grabbed my phone with one hand and kept digging with the other.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"I found Nick Careny. He is a half mile out in the woods off of Malcolm Street. Please hurry. He's stuck in the snow, and he isn't responding."

"Okay, ma'am. What is your relation to Mr. Careny?"

"I'm his... wife."

"Okay, Mrs. Careny. Keep talking to me. An ambulance is heading your way."

"Okay. Thank you."

It was ten, long minutes before the ambulance arrived. They grabbed shovels and started digging. In about five minutes, Nick was on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance.

"You can ride with him in the back if you want, Mrs. Careny."

I jumped in the back and the ambulance started speeding to the hospital. I stared at Nick's almost lifeless body. It was a light shade of blue. The nurse wasn't looking so I didn't have much time. I could risk turning him into a vampire or possibly let him die, having to live with the fact that I could have saved him forever. After I debated for 30 seconds, I noticed Nick's body. His color was changing back to normal, and his body heat was warming up. After 10 seconds, his eyes opened.

"Nick!" I yelled. The nurse started to turn around. "Come here! He's awake!"

"I..i..i'm f...ff..f...freezing." He was shivering like crazy. The nurse grabbed every blanket she could find and put it on him.

We pulled up to the hospital and they told me to wait in the lobby while they took him to a room. I filled out some forms. After an hour, they said I could come back and see him.

"Mr. Careny. You're wife is here." He gave the doctor a questioning look as he walked out. I slowly walked in before the door could close. Nick laughed. I thought I would never hear that again.

"Wife?" I almost melted at he sound of his voice.

"Just something to get me in the doors." I giggled and sat on the edge of his bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." He said.

I sat there with my hand over his. I kissed his forehead softly. "I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"It's fine. I love you."

"I love you, too." I laid in the bed next to him and leaned my head on his. I started to hum, and he slowly fell asleep. I just stared at the ceiling, thinking.


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