(Chapter 35) Evil Becomes You

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"So, what is the reason for your visit?" Loy questioned Jared as Selice joined them for dinner in the royal family's dining hall.

"I'm traveling to different countries to learn of their cultures and customs when it comes to how they work magic into their societies," Jared stated. It was the excuse he came up with years ago when he started traveling with Lucy. And no one ever doubted such a long-winded boring answer, but the prince's eyes narrowed.

"And what other countries have you been to?" Loy pressed.

"I've actually been overseas exploring the western continent," Jared replied, which wasn't a complete lie.

"That's a side of the world I've yet to find my way to," Loy said, taking a sip of his drink. "Is it worth the trip?"

"I didn't find it to live up to my expectations," Jared responded, his voice dropping as he recalled the attack in Atexul.

"Well, I have quite a list of places for you to visit on this continent," Loy declared, settling back in his seat. "I'm quite the traveler myself. Isn't that right Selice?"

Servants weren't usual guests at the crown's dinners unless that servant was Selice and Loy was in town. Tonight, he did it to see what her relationship with this man was.

"He's more like a runaway prince," Selice clarified.

"But I always come back."

"Annoyingly so," Selice mumbled under her breath but loud enough for Loy to hear. Jared worried the prince would grow angry at the insult, but he only laughed.

"I was actually hoping to see the great library of Etilia," Jared said, glancing at Selice. She looked scared every time Jared spoke, but he tried his best to assure her with his eyes he wouldn't out her. "I'm quite the reader but I don't often get to see anything as grand as the library is said to be."

"That's because it's the only library that is as grand as what it's said to be," Loy explained, though he himself didn't much like spending his time there. He preferred learning about the world through experience, not the words on pages. "Selice probably knows enough to show you around. Is there any specific topic that interests you?"

Jared paused, grasping for an answer that wouldn't reveal his search for the last good king's diary. He looked at Selice and the only thing he could think to say was, "Stones. Enchantment stones."

Selice's entire face flushed white.

Loy looked at Selice, laughing to himself as her mouth gaped open with a spoon of rice hovering right in front of it.

"You may be in the exact right place then," Loy said, over a sip of wine.

"Loy!" The door to the private dining room burst open with a thud as loud as the yell that preceded it. A man as tall as Jared had ever seen, stood in the frame, almost taking up the entire length of it. Devane glanced around to finally notice Jared who looked like he had just about had a heart attack. His eyebrow rose in curiosity seeing someone from the western lands in their castle, but he also saw his target, the prince, who was currently evading the council meeting.

"You're coming with me now," Devane fumed, gripping the back of Loy's chair.

Loy was notoriously unflappable by almost anything, but Devane when he was angry, was the one point of fear that still held influence over the prince.

"Devane, have you met our guest?" Loy asked, trying to re-channel some of Devane's fury. "This is Jared."

"Hello," Devane greeted, with near no hospitality.

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