Chapter 7

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  I was forced to go to Scotland. I was pure terrified, anxious and angry. The mere idea that I won't see Silas again made me cry a lot, but I had no fucking choice. I even lost everything, thanks to that son of a bitch. Currently, I'm staying in a hotel room for 10 days, but I failed at making friends, whatsoever. I search through my wardrobe to attend any damn parties, and I sigh heavily. I miss him and I can't fucking do anything. I pick up a black silk dress and black high heels. I work as a bartender in the hotel, and the owner of the hotel keeps harassing me, so I can have sex with him, but I try to make up excuses to escape. He's damn attractive, but it's not in me to sleep with the owner because I'm not that kind of girl. I look at the bed behind me and remember my first time with Silas and tears are formed, again. I rush towards the door and leave the room. I head downstairs when my eyes catch a guy in mask. It's the same fucking smiley mask that I recognize back to England. It's obvious that he noticed my presence, but I rush on my high heels, but I'm grabbed by the neck. "Missed me?" He smirks at me, and I try to break the contact, but he's way stronger than me, so he tightens his grip.

"Why are you so scared, Lexi? Do you still remember our last meeting before you flew to Scotland?" He chuckles when he throws the question at me, but I don't answer him. "Leave me alone. I need some damn time to process the fact that you fucking destroyed everything I had." I fire my words at him, and I push him by my legs. He sighs in pain when I run downstairs to find the owner of the hotel talking to one of the servants. His eyes go up and down at me when he sees me. He ushers the servant to the side and goes upstairs to pick my hand, but I hide it. He smiles at me, but I still don't want to get involved in any way with a man. "Lexi, you have to give me a chance. It's just going to be one dance, nothing more." He says, pleadingly. When I feel that someone is going downstairs behind me, I immediately accept his offer. He smiles and I smile at him. He takes my hand in his and we march towards the dance floor. It's one hell of a party, and I'm glad for once that I'm steering clear from him. He's here in Scotland and he's back to cause more trouble with me. "Why did you stop attending college, Lexi?" Mr. Blake asks me.

His name is Nicolas Blake. He's 24 years old and he's damn attractive, I give him that. He has black wavy hair, his eyes are black and wide. He has a square face and the most attractive part in his face is his dimples. I wait for a moment to lie at him, but I don't know what to say. "I left because I needed to." I say, flatly. His smile disappears and frowns. "Okay." He says. We both go to the bar and order 2 shots of tequila. I pour it down my throat and set the glass on the counter. I look sideways to see if he's still there. Suddenly, he sits next to me and I swear the chills went through my spine. "Glass of wine, please." He orders next to me, and I stare at him. I feel the tension building between us, so I tell Mr. Blake to grab my coat from my room. "What are you trying to do?" I ask him, so he turns his face towards me. "I like that guy. Are you fucking him or what?" He asks like tha it's a normal question. I glare at him and say no to him. "Well, that's a shame." He drinks the glass of wine and stares down at the glass. "What do you want to do with me, asshole?" I fire the question at him. "I want you." I gasp in shock. "You ruined my life!" I say, horrifyingly. He doesn't even budge at my words.
     "Well, I had to. I had no other option back then." He says, neutrally. I blink a few times before I stare back at his mask. "Why are you still wearing a mask?" I ask him, curiously. "Non of your damn business, Lexi. Leave me alone." He says, harshly. I get up and leave. I rush upstairs since Mr. Blake hasn't brought my coat. I open the room and find him. When I look at the ceiling, the servant's body was hanged from the ceiling and blood is dripping everywhere, leaving me in shock. "I....Jesus Christ!" He says, while covering his mouth in pure shock. "Leave, now!" I yell at him, but the door is locked. "FUCK!" I push the door a few times, but I can't break it. "Calm down, Lexi. We're going to figure out this shit." He says, calmly. He calls the police while I'm staring at the blood-stained floor. "They're coming right away." He glances back at the body and flinches. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Blake." I whisper. He turns his head towards me and sighs. "It's not your fault, Lexi. Please, call me Nicolas." He says, softly.

"Do you have any idea who would that to him?" Nicolas asks me, but I shake my head sideways. "I don't know, Nicolas. I'm sure that we're going to find that son of bitch." He stares at me. "You know that I'm trying to keep my emotions at bay." He tells me. "Nicolas, I can't do this. Not with you, anyways." He stares at me with a blank expression. Suddenly, the door is being banged at and I yelp in shock. "Open the door, Lexi!" I know that damn voice and I swear chills went through my fucking spine for the second time. "I can't open the damn door!!" I scream at the door and the expression on Nicolas's face is priceless. "What the hell was that?" He asks in disbelief. "I have no fucking clue, but I'm pissed off!!" I rush to the door and kick it hard enough that it breaks on the floor. Nicolas is covering his mouth in shock. "Wow, you're really pissed off!" He says. I nod to him and head outside the room, but I find no one. He disappeared, again. "Damn it!!" I kick at the wall in front of me. Nicolas is watching me, but he doesn't say a word. "I know that it's not a good time, but I need to ask you this: do you know the guy who was banging at the door?" I stare at him for a moment. "Can we discuss this later, please?" I ask him. He nods, hesitantly and ushers me downstairs. He takes off his coat and hands it to me. "Thank you." I say to him and he nods at me.

"Are you scared?" Nicolas asks me, but I press my lips into a thin line. "Scared of what?" I stare at him in the eyes. We're heading towards the garden. He pulls me by the hand and we both sit in the ground. "Are you scared to speak about your emotions?" He asks, softly. I stare at him and nod slowly. "I don't know how to feel about this, Nicolas. I need to take it easy and slow." I tell him, but his expression falls into a frown. "As you wish, Lexi." He says to me, coldly. I nod slowly, and we hear the sirens. "I need to go. I won't be long gone, I promise." He kisses my hand and leaves. I stare at the sea in front of me and the moon looks magnificently beautiful. I look at the phone and find 20 missed calls from Silas. I wish I could tell him, but I can't say a word, since he has my family under his mercy to insure that I won't open my mouth about his murders. I look sideways, but I don't know what to say. "I wish I were like my strong mother." I sigh, heavily. I hug my knees and press them against my stomach. I press my face against them and cry hard. No one will ever understand what it's like to be controlled.

"I see that he got side-tracked by the murder." He comes at me, so I stand in a hurry. "Fuck off!!" I scream at him. He backs off a little. "Calm down, Lexi. I'm not here to hurt you." He says, as a matter of fact. "Fuck off, you son of a bitch!" I rush at him till we're facing each other and there's barely a distance between me and him. He clutches my wrists tightly and I wince. "Calm down or I'm going to do something we'll both regret later on." He says, coldly. "You ruined my fucking life!" I yell at him and I start pushing at his chest, so he brings his hands towards my arms and hold me tightly in place. "I said: CALM DOWN!!!" He yells at me and he pushes me on the tree, so he's facing me now. "Are you seriously that idiot?!" He asks me. Anger is visible in his tone, but I don't care. "I'm done with your bullshit, coward! Why don't you throw away your that damn mask?!" I bring my hands to his face, but he pushes me away, so I wouldn't pull away his mask. I run away, but he doesn't follow me, anyways. "You're going to regret this meeting for the rest of your life!" He yells at me, but I don't look back at him. I walk to another bench and I start texting to Nicolas that I moved to another bench. A few minutes later, I receive a text message from an unknown number. "You're betting on the wrong horse, remember that." Shit. "Lexi, we need to go to another hotel."

"Why?" I ask. He looks baffled and confused. "The police is looking for evidence, so we need to leave." He takes my hand and I get into his car. "How long is it going to take?" I ask him, worriedly. "I have no clue, but what I really need right now is the murderer." He says. He huffs harshly and I sigh deeply. I know that at some point that it's not going to end well for Nicolas, that's for sure. He drives me to a nearby hotel. We climb the stairs and I bring my eyes to the luxurious walls, like they're made of gold. "We're going to stay in the suite. Is that ok?" He asks, so I nod. I really appreciate what he's doing to me, even though my heart belongs to someone else. We go the elevator and we go to the eleventh floor. After we get into the suite and I scurry to the bathroom to change my clothes, my phone rings. It keeps ringing and ringing until it pushes me on the edge. I rush out of the bathroom and I find it is my mother. "Yes, mother?!" I answer, flatly. "Lexi, I'm so sorry." She cries on the phone and I start to get pissed off already. "Why the hell are you crying on the phone?" I scoff. "I'm so sorry, Lexi. I did a terrible thing." She cries much louder and I push the phone away from my ear. "I...I killed your father."

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