Chapter 13

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"What's wrong with him, doctor?" I'm in the hospital to check up on Silas. He's been unconscious for a little while and I'm pretty pissed off at Mask. He's not been answering my calls or texts since the car has blown into the air. All I know something's up and that involves them both. "We don't know what's wrong, unfortunately. We're just trying our best to wake him up." I nod at the doctor and he leaves right away. I stare at Silas's pale face and when I touch his right hand, it's too cold that I break the contact. I stare at the door and I go to it to close it. I stare at the ceiling for a few moments, but I see something strange. A symbol, which is similar to a demon. I stare at Silas's face and I find him sweating so bad. "Silas?" I call out his name, but he doesn't respond. I walk to him and when I touch him, he screams. "Jesus Christ!" I say in shock. He opens his eyes. He stares at the ceiling and gives me a glance before getting up. "I need to go!" He tells me before he storms off the room. I run after him to see where's he heading to. I go after him and he keeps running till he gets outside the hospital.

The trees are swaying from side to side. They're shaking violently and I hear whispers and mutters, but I don't recognize the language. He runs after those voices, so I follow him. He heads towards the forest and he goes from side to side like he's following a pattern. The patterns starts lighting up on the ground and I keep jumping on them till he reaches a cave. We both stare at the odd cave in front of us. The whispers get louder and louder. It's like calling for the demons. I follow behind him. He walks to the cave and stares at it for a moment. "Hello?" He says, aloud. No one answers, but the mutters are much louder and louder until a body falls from the sky. It's the same doctor who was checking up on him. "SHIT!" I scream. He turns his head to my voice, but he gets pulled by a hand. He yells, and I head to the cave, but it closes in front of me. "SILAS?!!" I scream at the cave. I pull my hair in frustration and move in circles.

"OPEN THE DAMN CAVE!!!!!" I keep punching the rock in front of me, but there's nothing. I hear someone move behind me, so I turn my face. "Missed me?" Mask says. He tries to play with my hair, but I push him away. "Worried much about your man?" He smirks. "What the fuck have you done?!" I yell at him. "I'm pretty sure it's the Satan's calling to him." He says while lighting a cigarette. "Is he praying to the Saint?!" I say in horror. "Probably." He says, casually. "Are you involved in this shit?!!!!" I try to punch him, but he holds my hands too strongly it hurts and pushes me against a tree. "Don't." He says with a threatening tone. I hear the whispers, again. I turn my head to the side and I catch a glimpse of Silas, walking away from the cave. Another strange body falls on the ground. "Where are those damn bodies coming from?!" I shout at Mask. "Up, sweetheart." My eyes go to the sky and I see hundreds of bodies, floating in the middle of the air. I push against him and I walk behind Silas. The bodies keep moving nd moving in circles. "PRAISE TO OUR SATAN!!!!!!!" I hear loud voices coming from the cave. Another body falls, barely missing me by an inch. I keep running and running until I see Silas making circles and drawing symbols which for the love of God I didn't know they existed.

"Praise to Lucifer!" He bellows into the sky. He pulls his arms against his chest and walks towards the beach. I follow after him and I see another body falls on the circle. I start wondering who hexed Silas. I see him standing on the shore with a knife in his hands. When I look at him, I start running before he sacrifices himself like all the other bodies, but when he hits himself with it, I fall on my knees. He falls on the shore and the water pulls him into it till he's between the waves. My tears were blocking my vision. Mask pulls me into his arms and carries me into them and I keep fighting. He doesn't even budge as he's too strong. Mask drugs me and I fall asleep.

"Where am I?" I wake up with a migraine. "Home." Mask says. He's sitting on a chair across from me and I find myself lying on the couch. "You need coffee. Let me make you some." I grab a pillow and I throw it at him. My body is too numb to move. "FUCK YOU!" I yell at him. He laughs and heads to the kitchen. I hold my head in my hands and I stare at the living room. The house is well cleaned. After a few moments, something cracks. I stare at the door and the door falls on the ground. The wind is way too strong like it's pulling me to the outside. I walk on the ground with steadiness. I grab a knife and I walk to the broken door. When I stare at the sky, I find Silas. He's standing on the floor and he looks pretty tough. "Come with me." He says, flatly. I shiver, but I follow his lead. He walks to the forest and I stop moving. He turns his head towards my direction and I shake my head, pleadingly.

"You have to see this. You won't get hurt, eventually." I walk with him with bare calmness. He holds my hand in his and walks me to the same shore where he died. He mutters something under breath and huge flames are floating on the water. He walks me to the flames and I stare at them from a distance. He says something like praise to the fire. The flames go up into the sky and the clouds turn black. The rain starts falling like showers. I gasp in shock at the way the flames are dancing around the water. He starts drawing the same creepy symbols on the shore and the flames go higher and higher. The rain gets heavier and heavier, but he's not affected one bit by the drops of the water falling on him. He starts drawing faster and faster and keeps praising Lucifer. I keep crying until he jumps into the air and falls head-first into the middle of the ocean. The waves get bigger and bigger and the flames disappeared into the thin air.

"SILAS!!!" I yell into the air, but there's no sign of him. I stare at the signs in front of me and I recognize them in front of me. They're the same symbols I've read about in the book. The book, which is in Mask's house. "Fuck, no!" I gasp when the waves go higher and higher. I witness Silas in the middle of those waves with blazing green eyes. I back away, immediately. "He hexed Silas, that son of a bitch." I go back, but I get pulled from behind. I feel his hands touching my back, but I know for sure that it's not the same Silas I have known in my dorm. "Your breath is raspy and your body is shaking." He says, deeply. I straighten my back in response. "What do you want?" I ask him. "Nothing." He says, coldly. He starts touching my back in odd ways. My body keeps shivering under his touch, but I bite my lip in silence. He inhales a deep breath and turns my body to face him. "Do you want to help me?" He asks. "In what, exactly?" I ask. He sighs, deeply. "I can't tell, unfortunately. All I know right now is that your help will do wonders to me, love."

"I'm not going to help you kill innocent people." I say with a halt. "Easy, girl." He says with a smirk. "You're not really Silas, are you?" I ask. He shakes his head after studying my face for a moment. "I'm not the same pathetic Silas you've known in your dorm." I bite my bottom lip. "But, I know that I'm going to need you more than you think. You're so capable of things, but you don't know that, yet." My eyes go wide with anticipation as he touches my shoulders. "Do me a favor. Go home and don't look for answers to your questions. It's going to end your life and it'll be much of a waste to see you die, Lexi." He says, through a raspy voice. I nod at him and I run away to Mask's house.

"Mask?" I yell his name when I get inside his apartment. No one answers, so I head upstairs. I enter his room and I find the book on the bookshelf. I stare at it, but I don't want to read it, again. Things might get bed when I look for answers. When I find Mask's shadow behind me, I hit him from behind by my left foot. He stumbles on the staircase and falls on the ground. I stare at him from my place and he looks unconscious. "Fuck." I mutter. I head to the room and I close the door behind me. I take the book from the shelf. I try to open it, but I can't. When I lose hope, I throw it on the ground, but my vision goes black when I hear loud screams and shouts filling the room and drowning me in. I fall on the floor, and I can't even move a bone inside of me.

After a few moments, I find myself lying on the shore and Silas is standing beside me. The water touches my lips and I look up at him, but he stays silent. "Is Mask dead?" He asks, while smoking a cigarette. "I'm not sure, but I don't think so." He sighs. "Good. Keep him alive, though. I might need him later on." He says in an understatement. "Why do you need him alive?!" I ask him in exasperation. "It's none of your business and keep your questions to a minimum." He leaves me on the shore and goes to the other side of the forest. After a few moments, I get up on my feet and I study the ocean in front of me before I leave. I head to the house and I get inside Mask's house. I lock the door behind me. When I get inside the kitchen, someone knocks on the door and I yelp in surprise. "Who is it?" I ask, curiously. No one answers me, so I open the door and I find a body covered in blood. It's not just any body. It's my mother's.

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