Chapter 19

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I woke up this morning, lying next to Silas. I stretch out my arm to grab my phone. Fuck! "It's 12 PM!" I say. Silas's body moves slowly, but I jump out of bed to look for my clothes. I keep cursing under my breath and I still can't find my fucking clothes. "Lexi, come back to bed." He sighs, but I don't answer back. "Lexi!" He yells and starts hitting the bed constantly. "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" I yell back. "Come back. It's still fucking early." I turn my head and huff. "Are you fucking serious?! It's 12!" He opens his eyes and stares at me, blankly. "Stop looking at me! Roll over until I get dressed!!" He chuckles at my words. "After we did last night, you want me to roll over because you're not wearing anything?" God, he's such an asshole. "Have it your way, then." He says and rolls over and gives me his back to him.

I wear my clothes I stare at my phone, again. "It's 12:15." I say. He rolls over and faces me, again. "Do you have an errand today?" He says and cocks an eyebrow at me. I feel the tension thickening in the air. "I need to see Guinn." I tell him, but by the look he's giving me, it seems to me that he doesn't buy it. "Fine." He says. He gets up and starts wearing his clothes and I go downstairs. I can't tell him what I'm about to do. I just can't tell him or he'll stop me.

I leave Silas's house and get into my car. I start the engine and head to my house. "Shit. Guinn doesn't have a phone. How am I going to contact her?" I hit my forehead with my hand. I sigh and go back home. After 20 minutes, I enter my house. Suddenly, I see Guinn asleep on the couch. "Guinn?" I say. Guinn gets up in a minute. "Hey, sorry! I saw the door being unlocked and I didn't have a home, so..." She becomes silent. Shit, I forgot to lock the front door.

"Any news from that son of a bitch?" Guinn asks. "I heard nothing from him." She nods. "He's not going away with it, Lexi. Remember that." She says. "Do you want me to make you a sandwich?" I ask her. "No, honey. I don't have an appetite. I need to tell you, though: I used your bathroom to wash away the dirt." I laugh at her. "Ok!" She laughs back. "Let's go to some café to chill out. You might also bring your man, too." She winks at me. "Ok, I'll text him." When I open my phone, I see a text from Mask.

"What's wrong?" Guinn sees the look on my face. "Mask wants to see me at his house." She shakes her head. "Don't go alone. I'm coming with you." She gets up from the couch. "Are you sure it's a good idea?" She mimics my voice and laughs. "Hello! I dated this dude from a long time. I know him when he tries to play games." We laugh out loud.

We both get into my car and head to Mask's house. I knock on the door twice. Mask opens the door and he stares at me for a second and looks at Guinn. "Why did you bring her with you? I told you to come alone." He says in frustration. "Listen, asshole! You better stop bitching and man up! We need to talk." She says. She goes past me and pushes Mask aside. She gets into the house and the look that Mask gave to Guinn is priceless. "I can't even believe I dated her." He says with a shrug. I get inside the house and he closes the door behind us.

"What do you want, Guinn?! Tell me because I'm so fucking done!" He raises his hands out in frustration. Guinn laughs out loud. "Shut the fuck up, then." She says with a grin. "Look, we know that only option we're going to have to choose to save our own asses is to kill you." She says, casually. I'm biting my bottom lip to stifle my laugh. "So, how about to tell us your last words before we do that?" She says. Mask gets on his feet immediately.

"Listen, you bitch!" He yells and points a finger at her. "I'm not going anywhere! You're not going to kill me whether you like it or not." Guinn laughs out loud. Suddenly, the lamps fall out from the ceilings. "What the hell?!" I start freaking out, but Guinn isn't even affected by the scene in front of her. "Guinn, what the hell is going on?" She stares at me and mouths "Silas". I can't even believe that she told him that we're going to be here.

"STOP IT OR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH!!!" The lamps keep falling and it's crazy. "SILAS?!!!" Mask starts yelling out his name. How did he even know Silas is responsible for this mess? "Mask, you have no choice!!!" He laughs hysterically at me. "No choice? Who said I have no choice, huh?! You're the one with the cursed soul." He said that last sentence and it hits me like a truck. I'm no longer normal. I'm cursed just like Silas and Guinn. Then, I remember the idea where it came to me this morning when I woke up.

I have to risk it. I just have to and whatever it takes, I need to do it. "Mask!" I yell at him through the crushing sounds of lamps. "What?!" He yells back. "We're going to the forest." I leave in an immediate halt. Guinn leaves, too. "What the hell are you thinking?" She grabs my arm and stops me from walking away. "I need to do this, Guinn. I have to end this fucking circle even if it's the last thing I do." I stomp off the ground and I yank away my arm from her grip.

Guinn keeps yelling my name, but I don't care. I have to risk my own life to save us all. I walk to my car and get inside of it. I start the engine and head to the forest. I know a lot of things are going to be at risk, but it's worth it. I reach the forest and get out of the car. I walk slowly. I remember the place where Silas saw the bodies hanged in the air for the first time. It's the place where everything has started.

I walk slowly and I keep watching out for any unusual things. I know I'm going to fix this. I need to save Silas. It's been all my fault since this mess has started. I keep walking and walking. Suddenly, I see the first hanged body. It shudders me to think how all of these people had died. I can't even think of a possibility that a human being could be capable all of these murders. It has to be a real demon. I also remember that Silas told me that he found a group of people praising Lucifer and it was really creepy.

My body shivers at the possibility of seeing a real demon. Suddenly, a body falls on the ground and I stop walking. I gasp in shock. The body looks like it's torn from every side of the body and its organs weren't even there. I run away, but another body falls from the sky. I keep running faster and faster and more bodies are falling. I hear loud screams and chants. It's obvious that the ritual has started. My day gets better and better. I just hope I'm not going to be the next victim for this satanic cult.

I hide behind a tree when I see a group of people circling around a fire and it keeps growing and growing. They start hopping up and down around it while a body in the middle of the circle is being risen into the air. Suddenly, someone pushes me flat on the ground. "Did you think you're going to escape this?" Mask says in laughter. "Son of a bitch!" I call him out and grab a rock from the ground and hit him in the forehead. He falls and I get up quickly. I start running faster and faster.

It just doesn't stop. It has to stop. I come to the end of the forest and I'm standing at the end of a cliff. I have the cursed book and I'm holding onto it tightly. I hug it more tightly and I start remembering the first time Silas kissed me. It's the most beautiful intimate moment I have ever had in my entire life. That's when I knew it. I knew it from the start that I had fallen for him, so I jump from the cliff and fall into the deep ocean when I mutter my last 4 words. "I love you, Silas."

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