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People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.

Lauren Pov:
I sat around my dinning room table looking through case files some where on the table others was scattered across the floor.
I heard a loud banging coming from my front door startling me
"Jauregui open this door". I could hear my friends and co worker Dinah yelling as she banged hard on my door.

I rushed to the door flinging it open "Dinah what the hell are you doing". I moved over so she could walk in the room but she froze when she looked at my dinning room table "Lauren the Captian is getting really upset you have to come back to work". I looked at the table and then to the floor "I can't not yet".

I felt Dinah pull me into a hug. I felt like I would break down any second "Lauren it's been a year and we have found no evidence".
I finally broke down pushing her away from me "I know it's been a year but I know Malcom Blossom killed him Dinah I had hard evidence that would finally out the Blossom family away. Then a day before my wedding Y/n was killed".

Dinah pulled me again "Captain is signing someone else to the case".
I felt like my heart was gonna explode out of my chest " he can't do that who did he assign".

She wouldn't look at me "we wanted justice for Y/n to so Camila volunteered". I couldn't handle it anymore I finally broke down. I felt my knees hit the floor and my chest got tighter "i miss him so much Dinah i see him everywhere".

Dinah bent down pulling my by the chin to look at her "sweetheart are you still having the dreams".
I sat against my couch with my feet against my chest "yeah, everynight it's the same I see a crow flying around the city like it's looking for something or waiting for something to happen".

Dinah pulled me close "Lauren we had you move from the apartment because the memory was to painful for you but looking at all these files isnt gonna let yourself heal.

She stood up and walked to the door "the Captain said he wants you back tomorrow". She looked at me with sad eyes and closed the door.

I showered and got ready for bed sitting on the end of the bed with his picture in my hand closing my eyes.


I was currently getting ready for bed as I only had two more days till I become mrs. Y/Ln i walked out and seen y/n finishing the bed with his back against. I decided to play with the same way I always do.
I was currently just in my bra and underwear and I stood with my hand pointed like a gun "police dont move".

Y/n his hands in the air and turned towards me "I thought the police always said freeze". I tilted my head   my head and pushed him on the bed  straddling him "Well, I am the police, and I say, "Don't move" Sexy. You move, you're dead".
Y/n turned us over to where he was on top "And I say, "I'm dead," and I move".

After what felt like heaven I was laying down on his chest I snuggled closer "I love you". He kissed me head "hmm say it agian".

*Second flashback*

I was currently on my way home after working late at the station. I couldn't wait to get home to y/n. To have him hold me one more time before I become mrs. Y/ln Tomorrow night.

The Crow All that Remains حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن