Victims aren't we all?

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I started to run across the rooftops jumping from building to building following the crow. It stopped in a ally as I heard a girl as she walked  down.

The blood in my body boiled as I came realise the face stalking behind her.  He started to whistle at the girl "hey sweetie where you going in such a hurry". I bent down listen to this scum of a Blossom.

I let myself fall off the roof landing in trash laughing while I fell. I started to walk down the ally as I seen her take off running. The Blossom turned towards me "you're gonna pay for that one pal".

Still laughing I walked closer and closer and stopped in front of him. He pushed me "who the hell you suppose to the Joker". I ducked as he went to punch me. He miss and I took my knee into his rib sending him into the wall.

He held his rib as I grabbed by the face and lifted him up pushing him against the. I held his face in my hands as he tried to intimidate me "you have any fucking clue what you are doing pal I'm Tony Blossom". Smacking his face as held him "Victims aen't we all" I said as I took out two lives from my back waist band and stabbed them in his hands.

He cried out in pain "please man dont do this please I'll do anything I can get you whatever you want". I laughed at him as he begged for his life. I took the last knife and carved a crow into his chest. Then proceed to walking away as he bled out.

*Lauren's Pov*

I pulled into an alleyway after we was called to a crime scene "officer
Hamilton what do we have here". She laughed as I was being formal "looks like Tony Blossom finally got what was coming to him".

I couldn't believe my eyes Tony was held up with two knives in the middle of the both of his hands with a crow carved into his chest and blood dripping all down his body "I think you can rule out "accidental death" I laughed out.

I wish I could meet the person who did this after what these assholes did to y/n.

Y/n pov:

I walked to a building I knew was mainly run by the blossoms and I knew there little mole Torres was still running. Lauren had found information about this place and linked it to this rat.

I started to bang on the  Ah, who the fuck is this, now. Hey! Piss off! We're closed! Cerrado" I heard him yell! I didn't give up so i pounded on it agian "Go sleep it off somewhere ele, dusthead, unless you wanna get mutilated" I still banged not moving "God damn creatures of the night. They never learn". Growing tired of waiting i walked through the glass door, Torres retreats. The Crow flies by him, frightening him. He stumbles backward, drops  his gun.

I casually brushed the glass off my shoulder "Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door". He looked awakened "What're you talking about"?

I advanced towards him "You heard me rapping, right"?
Torres finds his gun "You're trespassing. And you owe me a fuckin' new door".

I kicked him into his counter "I'm looking for someone and I know you can help me".

He laughs at me "You're looking for a coroner, shit for brains". Torres Shoots me. The ound heals. He starts to panics "Argh, shit on me! Shit on me. Shit on me"! I  laugh as I  realizes my invulnerability. I Advance towards him agia this time throwing him  across counter, I him follows leaping on counter and vanishing as Torres comes up swinging bat at empty air. I reappears swinging upside down, grabs bat from him  and hits him with it.

"Mr. Torres. You're not paying attention. I  drop down to crouch on countertop. He swings at me, I  grab Torres's hand, smashes counter glass, takes knife, pins his hand to counter with it.

I Trash my way through his shop, kicking over open gas cans as i go. Torres pulls the knife out just as i reach him,  I point a huge shotgun at him "You have one chance to live, Now you're going to tell me where to find the rest of the Blossoms little pals".

Torres screams out "The Pit. They all hang out at The Pit. All of Malcoms little potato-heads hang out there. Chris Blossom he lives there, upstairs, alright"?

I grab him tighter  "I beg you ... don't kill me". I harshly let him go "I'm not going to kill you. Your job will be to tell the rest of them that Death is coming for them ... tonight. Tell them y/n L/n sends his regards. I walk out, taking a guitar as I go".

Torres tries acting tuff "Walk outta here, they're gonna erase your sorry ass. You're nothin' but street grease, y'hear? Street grease you motherfucker"!

I stop just outside of the door "Is that gasoline I smell"? Torres tells put "No, man. NO"! I see him Run out back as I stand outside the front door, shootinto shop, blowing it up.

Lauren pov:
I was on my way home when I seen Torres shop go in flames. I pulled over seeing a figure just stand watching it. I jumped out my car pulling out my gun and pointing it at him  "Police! Don't move! Don't. Move". The figure out his hands up turning towards me "I thought the police always said "Freeze". I froze for a minute I know now that miss y/n more than ever because this guy voice and the way he just said that reminds me of y/n.

I regain my posture "Well, I am the police, and I say "don't move", Snow White. You move, you're dead". The guy advanced towards me and grabs my hips I try to pull out but he's to strong and for some reason I can't pull the trigger "And I say I'm dead ... and I move". 

The way he said that, his touch and his eyes I couldn't help it the name just escapes my lip "y/n".

I see him smile and pull closer as I hear him whisper "hey baby".

I lost it wall my walls completely broke as I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist as he held me close.

I was crying I finally grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. The kiss felt like it last forever. I jumped down and looked at him 

" a-are you some kind of ... of ghost"? Y/n leaned closer to me "Boo!" Then I see him, turn serious. Sits down and looks up I don't know what I am"
I sat down by him putting my head on his shoulder " I have missed you so much I'm so sorry".

He pull my face to him "it wasn't your fault lolo believe me The Blossms will end tonight Malcom had a son who should play with Knives". I went to shock "you. You killed tony".

He smiled at me "He was already dead. He died a year ago ... the moment tried to hurt you. They're all dead, they just don't know it yet".

I stood up "I'm off duty now.. please come home with me". I seen him smile and sit in my police car.

He was currently in the wash room washing his face paint off.
He walked out of the bathroom "I dont want to be seen as that y/n around you"

I walked over to him putting my hands on his naked chest "your still the y/n of my dreams the man I love". We started to kiss as I layed on the bed. I couldn't believe he was here with me again. Our kissing got more intense as for what seem like forever we became  one again.

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