The Blossoms

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Y/n pov:

I left Lauren becoming him agian. Before I left I grabbed my leather jacket that Lauren kept I was currently standing in a dark corner of Chris Blossoms room.
The lighting flashed and he seen me standing there "What the fuck? No, man, don't do that! You nearly gave me a fuckin' heart attack".

Chris pulls gun. "Its time for you to get your bird and leave, freako". I pull up a chair straddling it and place my hand against end of the gun "take your shot, Funboy. You got me, dead bang".

He looks alittle worried "You are seriously fucked up. Did you look in a mirror? You need professional help". He Shoots me through the hand. I cry out, jumping up, spinning away pretending to be hurt.

Funboy stands up on the bed "Bingo! Hah! He shoots! He scores"! I turn back laughing and whooping in triumph. I show him my hand, looking at him through the hole, which heals as he watches "Je-sus Christ"!

I starting laughing "Jesus Christ. Stop me if you've heard this one".i approaches him "Jesus Christ walks into a hotel" ... chris shoots me in the shoulder. It heal "Ow. He hands the innkeeper three nails, he asks" ... chris shoots me in the stomach. It heals.

I can tell he is terrified now "Don't you ever fuckin' die"? I move closer "Can you put me up for the night"? I rush chris, giving him a wide-armed smack, which causes him to shoot himself in the leg. He collapses onto the bed. I Pick up the gun and leaps to squat on bed next to chris "Does that hurt"?

He screams "Fuck! Does it .. fuck, does it hurt"? He Grabs his leg "Oh God. Look what you've done to my sheets" as hePasses out. I drag him off his bed laying in the middle of the floor taking his cocaine and outlining a crow around him. As I take three knives from his end table I pin two into his hands nailing them to the floor and the third I push through his throat I go to jump out the window and a big guy breaks in. I wink at him as I jump out the window.

Malcoms pov:
Malcoms Pov:

I was pissed to say the least first some son of bitch kills my youngest son and then blows up one of my operations. I was currently walking back and forth while Torres sat in a chair "got stabbed! I shot the sonnuva bitch. I watched the bullethole close by itself. then my business gets blown up real good. Other than that, my day sucked".

My bodyguard Grange speaks next " Yeah. I saw him too-- He winked at me before he jumped out of a fourth-floor window like he had wings.
I kickd a chair over "What else did you see"?

Torres looked scared "He had a bird with him--nearly picked my face off. He told me to tell you a.d your family that death was on its way, whatever the fuck that means. y/n ... he said his name was y/n l/n".

I felt my blood boil asbi grab a sword and pushed it through his throat. I was shaking when Grange spoke "Chris said he saw a black bird too, a big one ... then he choked to death on his own blood".

I looked at him pissed "I want this fucker killed agian".

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