1. the carousel

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"Mommy? Can we go to the carousel next? Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Y/n looked up at her mommy with large puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, sweetie!" her mother happily replied.

"But mom!" Y/n's older sister whined, "You said we could go on a roller coaster next! You promised!"

"You can go after we take Y/n to the carousel."

"Well, I'm not going on that dumb ride. It's for babies!"

"I'm not a baby!" Y/n sniffled. "Can you come with me, Kinu?"

"I told you to stop calling me that stupid nickname!"

"Kinu! Kinu! Kinu!"

"It's Kiraomanu! Ki-rao-ma-nu!" her sister snapped back.


"Hush, Kira! She can't pronounce your name properly yet, so just let her call you that for now."

"But when she eventually can pronounce my name, she'll still call me 'Kinu!'. I hate it!"

"You're 12 years old, stop whining like a baby!"

As Y/n's mother and Kinu bickered, Y/n wandered off to the carousel.

Y/n and Kinu never got along. Well, it was more like Y/n wanted to hang out with her older sister every waking hour of the day, and all Kinu did was see her as a lost puppy following her around all day. No one blamed Y/n for wanting to be like her older sister. In Y/n's eyes, Kinu was her idol; popular, pretty, intelligent and mature for her age.

Kinu wanted nothing more but to grow up and experience life already. Move out of the house and find a handsome husband and raise three children in a luxurious home. It was all written in detail in her diary after all.

Y/n waited in line and stepped up to the height bar.

"You're in luck little lady!" the young man in a colorful uniform said. "You're just tall enough to ride!"

"Yay!" Y/n squealed.

Y/n ran to the black horse she'd been eyeing to ride.

She grabbed the pole, but then suddenly someone else's hand landed right on top of hers.

"Oh! Sorry, I was about to get on this one." Y/n said.

Her eyes met a boy's. His black hair nearly covered his dark teal blue eyes. He seemed around her age.

"Do you need help getting on?" he asked.


The little boy boosted her foot so she could climb on top of the black horse. He helped her buckle the seatbelt and tightened it around her waist.

"What's your name? My name's Y/n!"

"Um... Keiji." he shyly replied.

He got onto the white horse that was right next to her and buckled his own seatbelt.

Soon after, the carousel started moving.

"Weee!!" Y/n cheered. "Isn't this fun Keiji?!"


She giggled the entire time and the ride eventually started slowing down.

"That was fun!" she said once more. Her stomach started grumbling, signaling she was hungry.

"Are you hungry? Where are your parents?" Akaashi asked.

Just then his parents approached behind him.

"Did you like the carousel, Keiji? We filmed you! Let's watch!"

His mother didn't even notice the little girl next to him.

"Mommy, this is Y/n. She's hungry."

"Oh my. Are you lost?" his mother worriedly asked.

Y/n then realized she kind of was lost. She'd wandered off on her own and it was something she had never done before.

She looked all around at the strangers in the fair. When she realized she couldn't find her mommy she started crying.

"I want my mommy!" she wailed.

"Ok, ok, let's go to guest services and then maybe they can help you find your mommy."

Akaashi's parents walked her to guest services and Keiji held her hand the entire way.

The kids waited on a bench and continued holding hands. Y/n was scared and Akaashi wanted to comfort her.

Half an hour later, Y/n's sister and mother entered the building.

"Y/n! We were looking all over for you!" her mother cried and hugged her daughter as tight as she could. "Don't ever wander off like that ever again! You hear me?!"

"I-I'm sorry mommy!"

When everyone calmed down, Y/n's mother stood up and flattened down her child's messy hair.

"Thank you miss... uh-"

"Mrs. Akaashi! Good thing we found her when we did!"

Y/n and Akaashi's mothers talked for a bit while the kids waited on the bench again.

"I missed you Kinu!" Y/n flung herself onto her sister.

"Ugh! Get off me! You're embarrassing me!"

"Didn't you miss me?" Y/n continued to hold onto Kinu's arm.

"Not even one bit. I wouldn't mind being an only child." she shrugged.

This time around, Y/n didn't really take it to heart since she was used to Kinu's teasing and bullying. She decided to talk to Keiji instead.

She learned that he actually lived pretty far away and this was his first time coming to a county fair.

They wished they lived closer because even though they just met that day, they became each other's favorite friend.

"Bye Keiji! I hope to see you again one day!" Y/n waved.

"I hope so too. Bye Y/n!" he waved back as he stepped into the backseat of his mother's car.

She wished she could've had more time with him that day.

A/n: AHHH my second story! Remember to vote! Love you! <3

Please check out my first story 'Prom Night' if you haven't already! It's a Bokutoxreader!

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