4. discipline

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When they arrived home, her "father" was already waiting.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?! I come home to find Y/n gone! I thought they might have found- I thought she was lost!" he caught himself.

"I'm sorry! But she started her period for the first time and we needed more pads!"

"And what did I tell you? She needs to stay here!"

"She begged me, ok? She needed some fresh air!"

"She begged you? After everything I've told her about the outside world? There are dangerous people out there, Y/n, that could take you and never return you! Do you want that? To never come back home to a loving family?!"

"N-no! I love you!" Y/n stammered.

"I think it's time you learn some discipline."

"Discipline? What's that? Another homework lesson?"

"No." he then took off his leather belt and gripped onto Y/n's wrist.

He dragged her to her room and threw her inside.

"No! Don't hurt her! You promised you'd never hurt her!" Y/n's "mother" bammed on the locked door.

She then heard him repeatedly whip Y/n with his belt. Her blood-curdling screams penetrated the door and she could hear her "daughter" cry out for him to stop.

"Stop! It hurts! I promise! I promise to listen from now on!"

After what seems like forever, her "father" finally stopped beating her to death and stepped out of her room.

"That should teach her." he pushed back the hair that fell on his face.

She rushed into her room and saw Y/n passed out on the floor.

"Y/n! Fuck! Wake up! Wake up, Y/n!"

She checked her pulse and her heart was still beating. She sighed in relief and checked all of Y/n's wounds.

Red whip-marks covering every inch of her body, a busted lip, two black eyes, and a sprained ankle.

For the next few weeks, Y/n had trouble moving about the house because of her swollen ankle.

That meant since she couldn't do her usual chores of sweeping and mopping the floors, her new chores were washing the dishes and folding the laundry.

Y/n was also increasingly cautious of her father since that day. They hadn't spoken a single word to each other.

She was washing dishes one morning, minding her own business and in her own world. She suddenly felt someone's hot breath behind her neck.

She whipped around and met face to face with her "father".

Y/n didn't know whether to acknowledge his presence or go back to doing her chores. Instead, she just stared back at him.

"You're becoming a woman, Y/n. I'm not used to seeing my little lady all grown up." he traced the knuckle of his finger to her bottom lip where it was still healing.

She didn't know what to say to that. Has she been growing up too fast? She was only 13.

"Y/n? You still love me, don't you?"

She looked back up at him and nodded.

"I need to hear your voice, Y/n."

"Yes." her voice cracked. "I still love you."

"Good." he creepily smiled and ran a finger up and down the strap of the tank top.

He started eyeing her chest and that didn't go unnoticed by Y/n.

"When did you grow these?" he waved a finger to her chest.

"What? I don't- I don't know?"

She crossed her arms to her chest but he removed her arms.

"You look so beautiful all grown up." he whispered in her ear.

He placed a hand to her waist and slowly dragged it up to her right breast.

She immediately shoved him away.

"No!" she panted and backed away from him.

He blinked and ruffled his hair, "Sorry, sorry." He checked the time on his watch, "I should get going to work. Your mother should be home later too."

What exactly was he trying to do? Y/n was his "daughter" for God's sake!

Y/n didn't have a diary because she never felt the need to keep secrets. She told her "parents" everything! But this? What happened today was something she wanted to keep a secret. She was too embarrassed to tell her "mother"; afraid she might get mad and start hurting her too.

Y/n rummaged through her school supplies and found a fresh black notebook. She scribble the date and time in the top left corner and began writing about her day. She started at the very beginning of her day and didn't stop until she heard the front door unlocking. She quickly blended her notebook in with her other homeschooling supplies and greeted her "mother" at the door.

"Hi, Mom! How was work?"

She hugged her "daughter" and said, "Absolutely exhausting! I don't think I'll be able to cook dinner tonight. Do you think you can cook it for me? Please, Y/n? I'll buy you anything you want tomorrow."

"Mmm, ok! What should I cook?"

"Spaghetti. The recipe is marked in the cookbook."

Y/n got all of her ingredients out and began making dinner. It was a fairly simple meal after all. She didn't understand why her "mom" couldn't make it instead.

She made three plates and set them on the dining room table. Her "father" soon arrived and greeted his wife and "daughter".

"So you made this all by yourself?"



He continued to praise her until their plates were empty.

"I'll do the dishes," he offered. He grabbed everyone's plates and made sure to get Y/n's last. He pecked the top of her head before making his way to the kitchen sink.

Y/n and her "mother" watched some TV before going to bed. Y/n also made sure to write in her diary about the rest of her day.

A/n: ...ew...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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