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Chapter Four


The week passed by quickly. I noticed that Kelly had stopped approaching Claire and I felt a bit relieved. I’d been monitoring Claire since we gave her a ride to school on Tuesday and while I’m aware that it’s a creepy thing to do, I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve noticed one thing though. Claire Willows is a very cute girl. I find the fact that she blushes at the slightest things adorable too. Innocent even.

I was lying lazily on my bed, scrolling through my instagram when Corinne burst into my room, squealing like a BTS fangirl.

“Corinne! Do you not know how to knock? What if I were naked?” I asked, scowling at her.

“Oh forget that. I’ve seen all of it and believe me when I say there’s nothing to be proud of.” She jumped on the bed but I kicked her off, in mock anger, making her fall to the floor.

“Who even let you in? I thought my Dad banned you from coming in.”

It’s true. Ever since Corinne “Forced” me to throw a party when my parents travelled out last year, Dad banned her from passing through all doors of the house. Windows included.

She waved me off. “Nothing my mom’s lasagna couldn’t fix. Your dad is a sucker for food.”

I hummed in agreement. Dad would probably forgive me for murder if I made him a combo breakfast.

“Why were you screaming like that anyway?” I asked with a frown on my face. She knows how much I love my quiet times.

“I just got news that your girl, Kelly, is throwing a party this weekend.”

I stopped messing around with my phone and stared at her intently. “Don’t joke with me, Rinne.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “I’m not. I swear.”

I stared at her, looking for anything that could give her away if she was lying. When I found none, I squealed.

“Wait. Why are you excited? You hate Kelly.”

“Yeah… but free booze.” She shrugged, making me laugh.

“Kelly price? Hosting a party? It’ll be her first time. I wonder what the occasion is.”

“Birthday?” Corinne asked.

I shook my head almost immediately. “Her birthday isn’t for another four months.”

Corinne coughed “Stalker” making me glare daggers at her. 

She laughed. “Maybe it’s a sort of back to school party?”

I thought about it for a while before agreeing. “Yeah.. that could be it.”

“So… are we going?”

I sighed, sinking back into my bed. “I don’t know, Rinne. Dad’s still touchy at the mention of parties. He hasn’t exactly forgiven me for almost stripping in front of everyone.”

Corinne snorted at the memory. “Oh yeah. I nearly forgot about that. You were the talk of the school for weeks.”

“Yeah. I’m sure half the guys masturbated to that memory too.”

Corinne burst out laughing, making me laugh till my ribs hurt. We sank into my bed and stared at the ceiling for a while.

“I’ll go convince Dad.” I said rolling off the bed and heading for the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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