Chapter 1: Introduction

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Hi, my name is Y/N. I live in a household that is slightly strict, my parents put parental controls on my computer, they won't let me have any socials because they think I'm stupid but I'm not, I secretly have a tiktok and discord. This household is making my sanity slip and I've been researching lately, and I think I may have schizophrenia because of hallucinations,

One day, my computer wasn't working properly so maybe I'll ask my dad. He's really good with computers, all he did was yell at you for your messy room, but at least he fixed the peroblem. Right? Once he left your room you started sobbing as negative thoughts were filling your head. They were calling you lazy and useless, you start to shake uncontrollably, then you calmed down,

The next day you were craving hot coco, so you tried to make some and you accidentally make too much whipped cream and your mom yells at you, you get extremely mad and start shaking uncontrollably, and your left arm was trying to grab a knife as you were losing your sanity, your mom tells you "oh stop shaking like a cringy kid, nobody cares." Then after she said that you broke out on tears and screamed "FUCK YOU! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME! IS THIS WHY YOU WANTED A KID? JUST TO MAKE IT SUFFER? YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!" you ran in your room crying and thought to yourself "I'm leaving this fucking household TONIGHT"

To be continued...
259 words

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