Chapter 2: Running Away From Home

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After you gather all your stuff you open your window, your window makes a loud cream, you think to yourself "Fuck! They probably hear that!" Then your dad opens your door, "Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?" Your heart is racing and your trembling in fear, you manage to get these words out. "IM RUNNING AWAY! YOU GUYS ALWAYS MENTALLY ABUSE ME, THREATEN TO BEAT ME! AND YOU GUYS THREATENED TO KICK ME OUT WHEN I CAME OUT AS TRANS!" your dad tries to stop you from running away but you jump out the window, you damaged your leg but managed to run away crying,

It's 2AM and you are hiding in an alley way softly crying, you hear a voice say "hey, are you okay?" You look up to see a bomb headed person with orange eyes looking at you. You replied "N-no I'm not-t" the person asked " what happened?" You reply with "I-i r-r-ran away from my abusive household and I think I damaged my l-leg while trying to escape..."

The person said "oh, I can relate a little bit.. by the way my name is Whitmore, you can call me Whitty too.." you then hear a loud voice yell "WHITMORE! GET AWAY FROM THAT INNOCENT PERSON YOU MONSTER!" Whitty starts shaking in fear, he picks you up and runs away with you "don't worry I'll get you somewhere safe!" Whitty said.

The strange person chasing Whitty got caught up with his pace, then shot Whitmore in the chest cavity, thick, blackish reddish liquid went everywhere, with some brain matter going everywhere.

You fall down and then scream "WHITMORE?!?! WHITMORE ARE YOU OKAY?!?" you begin sobbing then the strange person that shot Whitty said "i finally killed that monster..." They then notice you sobbing uncontrollably then run up to you and ask "Hey.  Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" You scream at him "WHY DID YOU KILL WHITTY?!?!" they replied "it was for the greater good, he is a monster that wanted to hurt everyone." You scream back at him "HE ISNT A MONSTER! HE WANTED TO SEE IF I WAS OKAY! YOUR THE MONSTER HERE!" The cloud person starts feeling a bit guilty but tried to justify it with "no he wasn't, he was pretending to care about you so he could kill you" he goes up to whittys corpse and pulls out a pocket knife from his pockets "see? He just wanted to stab you" you reply back "I'm pretty sure he just had it for self defense so he can defend himself from monsters like YOU!" The cloud man starts feeling more guilty and tries to come up with another excuse.

He says "w-well he was gonna stab you and you are defending a monster, no, he's a Murderer." You look at him like he's dumb "that was a very lazy excuse" the cloud headed person's cloud head turned a greyish tint, like clouds in the sky when it's gonna rain. Then he starts crying a bit but tries to hide it. He then says "oh! I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Updike and i own a company named The Greater Good that destroys monsters like-" he stops speaking randomly. You are wondering why he stopped talking, then you hear him sniffle a bit. You then realize that he genuinely feels guilty, you don't know if you should comfort him.

He says in a shaky voice "I-i just realized what I have done... I apologize... I will try to fix him..." He picks up whitmores body and puts it in a big black bag.

To be continued...
619 words

"It will be okay." Updike x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now