Fun-Funny : When your teacher throws a chair at you

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  One day, I was with a friend, we were quite close, and we were talking about our teachers. Oh yes ! Uh... actually, we never met. Yes, I know it's weird... I'm not going to say her name now because frankly, it won't change the conversation we had. 

  I think we can all agree that our teachers all had something weird about them. Super serious teachers, "blind" teachers, teachers who stink terribly, teachers you don't know how they do it but they know you did something wrong, etc.

In short, there are moments, you hesitate to say that they are psychopaths or just crazy. And my friend... had one of the worst teachers I've ever known. I don't really know him because I've never seen him and I've never been to her school. But from what she tells me and from all the details she gives me, I think that what her teacher did is real. But before we talk about this man, let's talk about my English teacher when I was in 6th grade.

This one, she was never afraid of anything. I can assure you that she was a strong woman (by the way, she still is). Normally, when you are chatting or not concentrating with the class, a normal teacher will just tell you to stop, warn you about the penalties and if necessary, yell at you. As for my English teacher, no warning... BUT NO MERCY EITHER ! When you mess up in class, she throws markers at you. BUT NOT JUST A THROW,SHE HEAD-SHOTS YOU ! 

  One day, while I was chatting quietly with my friend, I see what ? THE TEACHER IN A SHOOTING POSITION WITH A MARKER IN HER HANDS ! Then I panicked instantly. I got under my table. My friend...he didn't understand, so he took the pen in the head. When I saw his face, he was knocked out, he was dead and was about to fall off his chair. I can tell you that we'll never try to do anything fool again. Oh my God... It traumatized me so much that I still get chills today.

  However, all that I have just told you is nothing compared to what my friend went through (Moreover, I would like to add that she lives in the North of France while I live in the East of the country). Her history teacher didn't just use a felt-tip pen...obviously, that would be too simple. 

Her History Teacher - The felt pen sucks, the notebook is too soft ...( I don't know, I'm just saying randomly ) Are there anything bigger, heavier and harder that I can throw?...Hmm....

Looks at the tables and chairs...

History Teacher - Ah ! I know ! I'll take...tables and chairs !

 Me - Yeah ...Of course ! It's a good idea, eh ! Throwing tables on students, it's ... It's great ! I love it !

  BUT NO ! NO ! NO ! NO ! I... I don't understand how the guy could imagine that throwing tables on students is nice ! It's stupid, it's dumb, I don't know, it's a totally insane idea!   Damn it, since when are teachers allowed to throw tables at students ???? 

  DO SOMETHING !!! THESE KIDS ALMOST DIED ! SERIOUSLY BUT IMAGINE THAT ON THEIR GRAVE IT WAS WRITTEN : " Unnamed , twelve years old, dead because of...a table in his classroom" 

Anyway, her teacher was really really really really pissed off, irritated, disgruntled and angry to the max. So before you do anything stupid in class, check if your teacher is a professional table thrower, unless you like eating tables....

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