Me : When you do your toilet in the wrong place....

3 1 0

When I was at primary school, I was really shy, innocent but most importantly impressively stupid. Cause yeah... I actually peed in the wrong place. Don't ask why, nor how cause I don't know myself. Maybe that time my body decided to be unemployed...
Me *going to the toilet*
My friend *going to the toilet too*
Me : I wonder what we gonna eat today.
My friend : I don't know either. But if we take too much time, we gonna be late and have bad sit. And I don't want to eat alone. *running*
Me *still peeing* : Hey ! Wait !... *closing the zipper*

*washing my hands*
Me : Quick...

*put soap on my hands*
Me : Quick !

*washing again*
Me : QUICK !!!

*going get a paper towel*
Me : Ah ! Shit !

*throwing his towel in the trash can.*
I still need to pee. *opening the zipper*


A classmate : Hey ! Er... Wait, what are you doing ?
Me : What ? Is there a problem ?
A classmate : But... dude. You are actually in front of the trash can...
Me : What the fuck you are say... *looking down*
*closing the zipper*
*stepping back*

Me : *panicking* OH SHIIIIIT ! Wait, hum... don't say a single thing about this.
The classmate *already gone*

*Thirty minutes after*

Director : Can you explain why did you do that ? Why ?
Me : I... I was... I didn't take attention to where I was...
Director : No... I can't believe you, that can't be the only reason. I'm going to call your mother.
Me : *in crisis* No no no no no, please don't do that, please, I swear I didn't pee in the trash can for purpose !
Director : *thinking* Well, fine. In fact, I know that you are not that kind of student. But still, you will have to tell your mother and to write an letter of apology.
Me : *sweating* Hum... Okay...
Director : You must, do you understand ?
Me : *smiling nervously* Of course...

*At home*

Me : *stressed* Hey mom...
My mama : Yeah ?
Me : *more stressed* I... I have to tell you about something.
My mama : *exasperated* Oh ! I know...
Me : *paralyzed* What ?!
My mama : I dont' understand...
Me : *kneeling and praying* Wait mom ! I can explain everything ! That's... that's not what you might think ! I didn't want to do that !
My mama : I know... you have not succeed your evaluation because you have fallen asleep too late yesterday. I warned you, you have to sleep early if you want to remember your lessons better.
Me : Oh ! This ? Well, I still passed the exam.
My mama : Really ? So what are you asking me for ?
Me : *laughing slightly and nervously* Can you promise not to judge me ?
My mama : Hmm... Sure.
Me : I pee in the trash can.

*In the bedroom*
Me : *patting my face* Ouch ! It hurts !
*looking at my own trash can*
Me : I hate you, garbage.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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