Thats Pretty Gay [3]

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Blaze: You like me? You like my personality?

Ice: I was surprised too.

Supra: Have I ever told you that you look pretty hot when you're angry?

Frostfire: Well then I must be drop dead gorgeous by now cause I'm furious!

Blaze: Guys! I found a way to make money!

Ice: Mhm, you'd make a decent stripper.

Blaze: Id make an AMAZING stripper, but that's not what I'm talking about.....

Thunderstorm: There's something wrong with my eyes.

Cyclone: W-What? Whats wrong with your eyes?!

Thunderstorm: I can't them off you~

Cyclone, giggles: Stoooppppppp.

Solar: If I were a gardener I'd put our "two-lips" together.

Thorn: Awwwwww, Solar.


Supra: If I we're a gardener you'd be my hoe.

Frostfire: I hate you so much—

Glacier: Hey, wanna go around the world bro?

Frostfire: Yeah, bro.

Glacier: Same here, bro.

Frostfire: *goes around Glacier*

Glacier: Why did you go around me, bro?

Frostfire: Cause Your my world, bro.

Glacier: Bro-

Brother bonding at its finest


Quake: Are you guys fighting or flirting?!

Thunder& Cycy: Yes

Glacier: Here hold this for me....


Frostfire: Glacier this is your hand....

Glacier: Frost, why am I getting angry text messages from Supra that he's gonna yeet me out of the solar system?

Frostfire: I may or may not have told him I love you more than I love him. . .

Frostfire: If you were my husband I'd poison your coffee.

Supra: If you were my wife I'd drink it.

Ice: look, dude, I think I might be in love with Blaze or something.

Thunderstorm: Took you long enough. Marry him. I have a priest on speed dial. I can set something up. Right now.

Random guy: Hey, that guy has a cute bottom.

Fang: Thanks, man. His name is Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: Am I your prisoner?

Reverse: Not yet.

Boboiboy: I can't tell if that's a threat or your flirting with me.

Yaya: I love both men and women. And yet here I am still single.

Ying: I guess your meant to be bi-yourself.

Yaya: Date me, Ying.

Solar: Take a photo of me, Thorn.

Solar: Make me look good.

Thorn: You always look good.

Solar: What?

Thorn: You heard me.

Hai, so I need help on what to do for the final chapter for this book cause I'm out of ideas, and most of the ideas are on the second book (I've got 8 drafts ready to be published). I'm open to any suggestion and I'll see what I can do.

Also this was shorter than the others because I ran out of ideas.

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